Thank you to everyone how entered in this past week’s coupon giveaway! (Go HERE to read all of the comments on this giveaway). I received a ton of entries which makes me think you all are really into free coupons! =) It was also so interesting for me to read how many newspapers you all buy. They ranged from 1 to 20! Huge range and so interesting for me to see where all of you are at in your couponing journey!
To the winners – I have emailed both of you! If you can respond to my email by Tuesday, 6/22 at 5pm, I will get your envelope of coupons in the mail asap. If I don’t hear from you by 6/22 at 5pm, I will have to choose a different winner.
The first winner is comment #38 written by Vanessa G at kv*********[email protected]. Vanessa wrote, “I am now buying 2 papers a week unless your posts say it’s a really good coupon week in which case I buy 3 newspapers.” Congratulations Vanessa!
The second winner is commend # 11 written by Cynthia at knick*****[email protected]. Cynthia wrote, “U usually buy 4 papers on Sunday. I get them at CVS where they’re only .50.” Congratulations Cynthia!
Thank you also to everyone who has joined Facebook! I gave you all a challenge to help Addicted to Saving’s Facebook page reach 2,100 fans and as of right now (3:34 pm Sun afternoon), Addicted to Saving has 2,139 fans!! I think I need to challenge you all a lot more often seeing how you have exceeded my expectations! (Maybe I should have challenged you to reach 2,500 ;)) Since we have already reached my goal, this Wednesday I will give away a prize to one lucky Addicted to Saving reader. In the meantime, if you would like to become a fan of Addicted to Saving, go HERE
You are great! Thanks for making this so fun!
What a wonderful surprise Liza!! Great top off to a great Fathers Day weekend!!
Congrats to my sister Cynthia!! just remember, I got you Addicted to Saving! (HINT, HINT):)
every time I shop my cashier wants to know how I do it, so I give them your website. I even had one cashier say to the bagger “I’ll give you the website later” lol. everyone wants to know how to save money. and I am always giving out the website. I need to order business cards with your website on them! it would make my life easier! LOL