To help you get the most product for as little money out of pocket as possible, multiple transactions become necessary. It is not hard to do, but it does require a little preparation. Each week we will try to make it easy for you and provide you with some examples of a “multiple transactions scenario” with the best deals at CVS. To see this weeks CVS ad go HERE
This scenario includes three transactions and we will start with $5.00 out of pocket.
Transaction #1 Buy one Kotex liners 50-60ct,pads 14-18 ct or tampoons 18ct, $4.99 Minus $1.00/1 U by Kotex 04-18-10 SS OR $1.00/1 U by Kotex printable Total Due- $3.99 Receive $4.99 ECBs Transaction #2 Buy two Right Guard Total Defense @ $2.99 each Minus $3.00/2 Right Guard Total Defense printable Buy one Crest Pro Health @$3.50 Minus -$0.75/1 Crest toothpaste 4.0oz or larger liquid or gel 05-02-10 PG Minus $4.99 ECBs (from Transaction #1) Total Due- $0.74 Receive $7.50 ECBs (3.50ECBs, 4 ECBs) Transaction #3 Buy one Schick Hydro 3 or Hydro 5 Razors, $8.99 -$5.00/1 Schick Hydro 05-09-10 SS Buy two CoverGirl Lip Products on sale B1G1Minus $1/1 Covergirl 5-02-10 PG Minus 1 B1G1 any Cover Girl product 4-11-10 RP Minus $3.50 ECBs from Transaction #2 Buy one can of Gold Emblem Canned Vegetable $0.49 Total Due- $Nothing! Receive $4 ECBs!
You have a total of $8 ECBs ($4ECBs and $4ECBs)to use next week!
Im new to couponing and love your site. Still in the learning process. I was looking over your CVS transactions and wanted to mention that CVS also has $1.00 off CVS Coupon online for the U Kotex. Using the $1.00 off CVS along with the $1.00 Manufacture coupons gives a total due of $2.99 and receive back $4.99.
Take care
Hi Yadi! There is/was a CVS store coupon when I posted the matchups last Friday, however it seems that the print limit is reached? Although it may not be – do you have a specific zip code that will pull up the store coupon because all the zip codes I have tried have not yielded any success?