This isn’t in my Publix Deals & Steals post, but it’s still a decent deal that you might want to take advantage of, and I wanted to high-light it. There is a $0.55 off ONE package OSCAR MAYER Classic Wieners coupon (this is the direct link) to print, and these are on sale BOGO starting today (or yesterday) at Publix. Quick and easy snack/meal for the kiddos, so you’ll probably want to print this coupon before heading to Publix this week.
Here’s the deal:
Buy two Oscar Mayer Beef Franks or Wieners, Assorted Varieties, 14 or 16 oz pkg (Excluding Angus, New York, and Chicago Styles), BOGO $5.19 for two
Minus two $0.55 off ONE package OSCAR MAYER Classic Wieners coupons
Total Due: $2.04 each!
- See what’s on sale in this week’s PUBLIX WEEKLY AD, or check out other HIGH VALUE COUPONS while you’re on Addicted to Saving.