There’s a nice B2G1 FREE Nabisco Crackers coupon available to print right now. To print, go HERE and use zip 77477. The FREE item can be valued up to $2.50. Publix has these BOGO this week, so here are the scenarios below to score cheap Nabisco crackers!
Scenario One
Buy 4 Ritz Crackers, 7.5-16 oz box, on sale BOGO $3.89 for two
Minus one B2G1 FREE Nabisco Crackers *zip 77477 (takes off $2.50)
Total Due: $5.28 or $1.32 each
Scenario Two
Buy 4 Ritz Crackers, 7.5-16 oz box, on sale BOGO $3.89 for two
Minus one B2G1 FREE Nabisco Crackers *zip 77477 (takes off $2.50)
Minus one
Scenario Three
Buy 4 Ritz Crackers, 7.5-16 oz box, on sale BOGO $3.89 for two
Minus one B2G1 FREE Nabisco Crackers *zip 77477 (takes off $2.50)
Minus one
I say buy 4, use the B2G1, and use 1, 1/1….. wouldn’t that work?
Yes, you’re right, Rebecca! Just updated the post to reflect this. I was in such a hurry to update this hot deal!
6 at $2.99 per BOGO = $8.97.
Use 2 B2G1 (max value $2.50) = $5 off
Use four $1/1 = $4 off.
Free plus .03 overage.
Problem: I can’t use 6 boxes
(1) B3G1 + (3) $1/1 = SUPER deal!!
(1) B3G1 + (1) $1/2 = Still a great deal!!
I just purchased the Ritz Butter Thins for BOGO @ $2.99. The regular Ritz are also BOGO @ $3.99.
Butter Thins Scenario:
Puchase 4 @ $5.98
Minus B3G1 free ($2.50) = $3.48
Minus (3) $1/1 = $.48 for 3 BOXES
TOTAL = $.16/BOX!!
Darn! Wish I was shopping today instead of yesterday! 🙂
The coupon takes off a MAX of $2.50 though!
I’m having a problem I think with the cookingwithkraft site for the $1/1 coupon. When I click a coupon to print it takes me to where I can’t find the coupon. Is this normal. What’s going on????
I am having the same problem
I emailed the website, hopefully they will respond soon! 🙂
Let me know if they do! 🙂 I would LOVE those coupons!
I received an email from [email protected] in response to my email. You might want to email her directly because I had to answer questions about my browser, antivirus program, etc. I have a feeling our computers are locking us out so she’s trying to find the problem!
Thanks Nikki! 🙂
Dinielle- Well as of yet, they don’t have an answer but are mailing me coupons. So that’s nice of them, but unfortunately I wanted to access from 2 computers :/ Let me know if you email them and they have a resolution for you!
I just printed mine without problem. I clicked on the first page and it took me to a 2nd page that says, but it’s a cookingwithkraft page with printable coupons.
Good to know it worked for you… hopefully they can fix it for us!
Don’t think the coupon is available any longer on