**update- Coupons.com is having problems right now. They are getting slammed so I am thinking they can’t handle all the traffic.. Try again later if you can’t print now. Sorry 🙁
Since it is the first day of the month, there are LOTS of great coupons for me to post about! I love this day! 🙂 I’m going to try to organize my posts so that you aren’t bombarded with a long list of coupons to print. So, that said, there are a ton of new General Mills Cereal coupons available to print. Remember that coupons often go quickly so print the coupons you are interested in now in case they go quickly. To print, go HERE and click the “foods” category. (I found these under zip 34655)
Something seems to be wrong with Coupons.com. The “thinking” bar just keeps going without sending anything to the printer. My husband tried at his office and had the same result.
Any ideas?
Having the same problem. 🙁
I have been waiting for coupons to print on coupons.com for hours…what finally worked for me just now was closing out of Internet Explorer browser, and going in through Safari browser! GOOD LUCK!!