There are more Ibotta offers that appeared within the past week or so! If you are new to Ibotta, go HERE to read about how it works. If you sign up for a new account, you can receive a $2.00 New User Bonus if you redeem two offers within the first two weeks of registering! Go HERE to register for a new account. Below are the Ibotta offers as well as coupon matchups that you can use along with the offers! Remember that offers vary per user so you may not see the exact same offers in your account that I see in mine:
- $1.00 Smucker’s Squeeze Grape Jelly 20 oz bottle Ibotta Offer
- $0.50 Krusteaz Pancake Mix 16-32 oz box Ibotta Offer
- $0.75 Healthy Choice Microwavable Soup Bowls, any size Ibotta Offer
- $0.75 Healthy Choice Baked Entrees, single meal size Ibotta Offer
- $0.75 Kraft Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese Bowls, 3.6-4.1 oz size Ibotta Offer
- $0.50 Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs, any size Ibotta Offer
- $1.00 Tribe Hummus 16 oz size Ibotta Offer
- $0.50 Kettle Potato Chips, 8 oz+ Ibotta Offer
- $1.00 Kool-Aid Jammers 6 fl oz pouches, Boxes of 10 and 40 Ibotta Offer
- $1.00 Capri Sun Super V, 6 fl oz pouches, box of 10 Ibotta Offer
- $1.00 Original Capri Sun, 6 fl oz pouches, box of 10,20,30 or 40 Ibotta Offer