If you live in Orlando, I have a great Orlando Sentinel Newspaper Subscription deal for you! Right now you can score a FREE Publix gift card when you take advantage of any of the deals below except the Sunday only deal. And, I’ve received word that the prices will be increasing for the packages below effective 8/18/11 so take advantage of these deals now if interested:
7-Days a Week Home Delivery 13 weeks w/ $10 Publix Gift Card: $27.20 (if you factor in the $10 gift card, you are only spending $17.20 making each paper only $0.19)
Wednesday – Sunday Delivery 13 weeks w/ $10 Publix Gift Card: $21.07 (if you factor in the $10 gift card, you are only spending $11.07, making each paper only $0.17)
Friday – Sunday Delivery 13 weeks w/ $5.00 Publix Gift Card: $18.46 (if you factor in the $5 gift card, you are only spending $13.46, making each paper $0.35)
Sunday Only 13 weeks: $14.04 no gift card (makes each paper $1.08)
**You can also order more than one subscription if you are looking to receive multiple Sunday papers. Go HERE for more info and for info on multiple subscriptions.
can you extend a package with these prices?
It says you can add a subscription. Also notice that they are charging a premium for multiple subscriptions. I normally only get the Sunday paper, so naturally I wouldn’t want to spend more than $1.50 a week per paper. For a new subscription for two papers is $2.34/week * 2 = $30.42. Even taking out the $10 gift card you would be paying $20.42 or $1.57 per week. If you are really in it only for the coupons this is NOT a deal.
I had a subscription before with Orlando Sentinel in Brevard and they use Florida Today delivery services which a HIGHLY unreliable. I spent so much time on the phone with customer service because either my papers weren’t delivered or my inserts were missing that I actually got to know them. That is sad. I am better off having to go to the store every Sunday and buy them than waiting days for them to mail me inserts. Know what you are getting for delivery out here, and don’t expect to get anything at CVS or Walgreens if you’re inserts are missing. I wouldn’t get mine until Sunday, the last day of the Publix sale. It was a headache and a half.
oops i wouldn’t get them until Wednesday.
I currently signed up for 4 papers back in May for like $13 for 26 weeks per paper. I’ve had some issues, but our next door neighbor works for the sentinal so he redelivers when needed. We got 4 subs for $54 for 6 months… so yea, this doesn’t seem great.