I do have my weekly Photo Show and Tell to post soon, but I wanted to post this picture to show what stockpiling can do. I started really getting into couponing this past summer (mid-summer). As I’ve learned how to save money, I realized that (for me) buying 2 papers each weekend wasn’t enough. So, I buy 6 – 8 newspapers each weekend. As I’ve bought 6-8 newspapers, I am able to gather 6-8 copies of each coupon. This allows me to really stock up on items that are cheap and/or free. The picture above isn’t earth shattering – it’s probably only
$150.00 or so worth of groceries and toiletries . But, I wanted to show this to really motivate you. I donated everything in the picture above to the Kimberly Home (a home for women with unplanned pregnancies and/or troubling pregnancies). Before I started couponing, I never would have had the financial resources to buy everything in the picture above because let’s be honest, money is T I G H T! But, since I’ve been couponing, I’ve been able to not only drastically cut my grocery/toiletry expenses each week while at the same time tripling the amount of products I buy each week! Because of this, my stockpile is sufficient enough that I can go through it and give tons of stuff away and yet still have a large enough stockpile to sustain my family. What a blessing! My challenge for you is to do the same! As you learn how to save and as you increase your stockpile each week, start to set aside items to donate. If you are new to couponing, wait a few weeks until you start to gather a large stockpile. And, once you have enough to share, do that, share it!! There is no reason to have hundreds of boxes of jello if you aren’t going to use all 100 boxes (like the guy in the video from Nightline). Like I say in the Addicted to Saving 101 classes, there is a fine line between stockpiling and hoarding! I guarantee there are people out there who would benefit drastically from something as simple as a few boxes of jello (that may be a luxury item to them)! Or, when we get pasta for $0.15 a box and sauce for $0.30 a jar, let’s give it away – there are so many people who would love to have these items for their family!! As we gain more, let’s give away more. That’s my challenge for you. God Bless!
Thank you – this is exactly what I have been looking for. So wonderful to meet you in person, I visit your website daily.
You are so awesome! I am a beginner with couponing and I am a college student so I just buy 2 papers and I have no need and no room to stockpile, but I saw that video earlier and I thought how wrong it was to buy so much of everything and especially to not donate it. You’re making a difference and helping people in need which is just amazing. I was thinking of using coupons to get free stuff for our troops, this is a great idea as well!
Awesome, Liza, I love it!! You are truly paying it forward.
Amazing Liza! I completely agree with you. Thank you for starting this site. I’m a beginner but loving it so far!
Wow! You really are such an inspiration to us all. I have told so many people about your website and what a blessing it has been for my family! My Sis in law and I even started our own little coupon exchange to help eachother out and we are loving our new “sport”, as we like to call our weekly trips to Publix. Thank you so much!
Mr. Coupon should be ashamed for hoarding all that food. He can’t possibly using it all before the expiration dates. I wonder how much he time and money he spends storing all that food.
Awesome! Wanted to let you know that we are taking our kids tomorrow to drop of 2 big boxes of food and toiletries to a homeless shelter in Pinellas Park! A very important lesson for them! Thank you for inspiring all of us!
That’s great!!! It truly is amazing to see what we can do for others with our coupons! I have a weekly giving feature dedicated to “purchasing” things for donation. I would love it if you would link up!
Love this! GOOD for you!
Yes – donating is the “bonus” to my new coupon skills. It’s great to save money and have a stockpile. But that donation box/bag that you can give every single week (almost) is the best feeling in the world. Thanks to you and all the other coupon bloggers in uberspace!
What a great feeling it is to know that you are able to help others.
My weekly meme Shop to Give Sunday is up
I would love it if you would link up!