It was a successful day at Publix today. I should have spent a bit more but Publix was out of the garbage bags that were on sale for B1G1. That said, I was pleased with my trip and the cashier looked a bit shocked when she saw my total. 🙂 How much did I spend? Well, I bought $105.54 worth of groceries and spent $1.91 (Sales tax was $1.40 so I actually spent $0.51 cents before tax!). Woohoo – a new record!
Here’s the rundown and how to do what I did for today’s Publix stop:
2 Publix Bagged Salad on sale 2/$4.00 Total: $4.00 3lb Bag of Yellow Onions on sale 2/$3.00 Total: $1.50 5lb Bag of Idaho Potatoes on sale $1.99 Total: $1.99 2 Heads of Broccoli on sale $1.47 each Total: $2.94 2 Benevia Juice priced at $8.49 each Minus two $5.00/1 printable manufacturer coupons Minus two $4.00/1 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $1.02 OVERAGE! 2 Lender’s Refrigerated Bagels on sale B1G1 ($1.89 for two) Minus one $1.00/2 printable Total: $0.89 or $0.45 each!! 1 Pam Organic Olive Oil Spray on sale $2.99 Minus one $1.00/1 Publix store coupon from Yellow Advantage flyer Total: $1.99 1 Scotties Lotion Tissues on sale 10/$10.00 Minus one $1.00/1 printable Total: FREE! 2 Dentek Comfort Clean Picks on sale 10/$10.00 Minus two $1.00/1 printable Total: FREE! 3 SunDown Vitamin D priced at $2.99 each 1 SunDown Zinc priced at $4.29 Minus two $6.00/2 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Minus two $3.00/2 printable Total: FREE plus $4.74 OVERAGE!! 4 Muir Glen Tomato Sauce priced at $0.89 each Minus four $1.00/1 printable Total: FREE plus $0.44 OVERAGE!! 6 Green Giant Simply Steamed Veggies on sale 10/$10.00 Minus two $1.00/3 printables Total: $4.00 or $0.67 each!!! 8 Chobani Greek Yogurt on sale 10/$10.00 Minus eight $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons from 12/13 SS Total: FREE!! 1 Johnson and Johnson Sterilized Pads priced at $1.79 each 1 Johnson and Johnson Adhesive Tape priced at $1.79 each Minus four $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons from 1/3/10 RP Minus two $2.00/1 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $0.42 OVERAGE!! 2 Bayer Chewable Pain Relievers priced at $2.47 Minus two $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons from 10/25 RP and 1/3/10 SS Minus one $5.00/2 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $2.06 OVERAGE!! 4 Bayer Pain Relievers priced at $2.47 Minus two $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons from 10/25 RP and 1/3/10 SS Minus one $5.00/2 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $4.12 OVERAGE!! Minus one $5.00 off when you spend $50.00 Winn Dixie Coupon! Grand Total: Spent $1.91 on $105.54 worth of groceries. (Saved $103.63 or 98.2% of the grocery bill!) **To see this week’s Coupon and Sales Matchups, read my Publix Weekly Ad Blog! **To see this month’s Publix Green Advantage Buy Freebies and Moneymakers, go Here! **To learn how to save at Publix, read my Intro to Publix Blog! (Also – do not hesitate to email me with any questions you might have! I would love to help you do what I did!)
OMGosh!!!! You are the coupon Queen I hope to become someday. What an awesome trip. I have a hard time keeping solid track of my spending/savings this way. Hope to have a better handle on that part of things as I continue working on it. Any tips on how to help that along?
Hi Selena – The best trick I learned to really keep track of how much money I spend is to write a grocery list and prepare your coupon matchups before leaving the house. I am so specific on my list that I write out exactly how much money I will be spending on each item. That way, before I even get to the store, I know how much money I will be spending so there will be no surprises. Then, when i get to the store, I don’t deviate from the list – even if the Carrot Cake looks scrumptious 😉
way to go liza!!! i can imagine the cashier’s face when he/she told you that your total was less than $2…i bet the people standing behind you in line were pretty shocked as well!! save on the little things so you can splurge on the big things 🙂
I guess I’m not sure how you were ablto get so many pritable q’s on the Scottie’s site. I thought they had a limit.
Hi Jenny – You are right, the Scottie’s site only gave out one coupon. I was only able to print out one coupon and I only got one box of Scottie’s tissues…
Thank you for taking the time to list everything you purchased, including the coupons! I was able to go through and match almost all of it. Most of the printable ones worked for me.
Awesome Melissa! Just a quick note – my photo show and tell was from last week’s Publix sale (it ended Wednesday for Floridians).. To see this current Publix sales/coupon matchups, go Here!
I am amazed… I’ll have to keep reading to figure out how I am going to make this happen up here! 🙂
I’m just curious about the Publix Store Coupon – we don’t have Publix up here in the North where I live… is this like a local thing where they offer these $4 and $5 coupons? Our Stop & Shop SOMETIMES offers $1.00 off your purchase coupons but you have to have spent $15 first. So I’m not sure I can manage the huge savings you do but I’m sure going to try! 🙂
Hi Julie! Thanks for the comment! Publix is a store found more in the south and they are awesome because you are able to use a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon on just one item. Even though I shop at a different store, I am sure you will be able to pick up tons of tips and high value coupons to use at Stop & Shop! I miss Stop & Shop… if only I lived in CT again! 🙂 Keep in touch and keep me posted on your successes and if you have any questions!
I have a question regarding the purchases with the Green Advantage Buy coupons. The coupons say “limit one deal per coupon per customer” but you have that you purchased 2 of the Benevia drinks. Do they let you use the coupon twice without having to do another transaction as long as you clip 2 of them?
Hi Mary – Good question! I asked customer service about using duplicate Advantage Buy coupons and they said it was fine. As long as the verbiage doesn’t read “limit one deal per transaction”, we should be fine. I was able to buy everything in one transaction. And, yes, when I bought more than one Benevia, I used more than one Green Advantage Buy coupon.
Girl, you are awesome! I linked to your site from Southern Savers because your oop caught my eye. I’m going to try to do all your deals using the green Advantage Buy flyer this week. If I stick to my list, I should score too!