So, yesterday (Friday) was the last day of Publix’s Green Advantage Buys for the month of January. I had a few coupons left to use so I was determined to use each and every one of them and get as much overage as possible. (Especially since I have received numerous emails and messages about local Publix stores discontinuing overage.) Since I have a HUGE stockpile at home, and since I don’t really need anything, my goal was to come out of pocket as little as possible and to only buy food that the overage would cover. (If you don’t know what overage is, read my post Here) I had to go to two Publix stores – both within a 5 mile radius – in order to use up all of my remaining coupons. My Photo Show and Tell above shows all of the items I bought at both stores. Then, underneath, I show the receipts for each store. It’s a bit hard to read, but on my first transaction I spent $1.24 (5 cents before tax) and saved $103.83. The craziest thing about my first transaction is that my cashier literally couldn’t use all of my coupons so he handed them back to me (I used them at the second store to buy more items). This was a definite first. On my second transaction, I spent $1.69 and saved $42.29. In total, I spent $2.93 on $149.05 worth of groceries! 🙂
Here’s the rundown and how to do what I did for today’s Publix stop: **The purchases below coincide with the current sale at Publix. This sale will end Wed or Thurs depending on where you live. However, please note that the Green Advantage Buy Deals have ENDED as of yesterday 1/29/10** 7 Chobani Greek Yogurt on sale 10/$10.00 Minus two B2G1 Free printable coupons Minus five $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons from 12/13 SS Total: FREE!! 8 Bayer Pain Relievers priced at $2.47 each Minus eight $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons from 10/25 RP and 1/3/10 SS Minus four $5.00/2 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $8.24 OVERAGE!! 5 Sundown Naturals Vitamin A priced at $3.29 each 2 Sundown Naturals Vitamin B6 priced at $3.59 each 3 Sundown Naturals Vitamin D priced at $2.99 each Minus two $3.00/2 printables Minus six $1.00/1 manufacturer coupons from 10/25 RP and 1/3/10 SS Minus five $6.00/2 Publix store coupons from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $9.40 OVERAGE!! 1 PAM Canola Spray priced at $3.79 Minus NO COUPONS (was prepared to give a store and manufacturer coupon but b/c I only owed $0.05 before tax, the register wouldn’t take them!) Total: $3.79 2.16 lbs Ground Sirloin priced at $3.49/lb Minus one $1.00/2 lbs of Publix ground beef store coupon from Yellow Advantage flyer Total: $6.54 or $3.03/lb! 2 Benevia Juice priced at $8.49 each Minus two $5.00/1 printable manufacturer coupons Minus two $4.00/1 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $1.02 OVERAGE 2 Dozen Publix Large Eggs priced at $1.59 each Minus one B1G1 free printable coupon (no longer available) Total: $1.59 or $0.80/dozen 10 Rotel Mexican Tomatoes on sale B1G1 ($1.39 for two) Minus four $0.75 Publix store coupons from Yellow Advantage flyer Minus six $0.30/1 coupons from 1/24 SS (had more coupons to give but b/c I only owed $0.05 before tax, register wouldn’t take them) Minus one $0.55/1 coupon from blinkie (had more coupons to give but b/c I only owed $0.05 before tax, register wouldn’t take them) Total: $1.60 or $0.16 each! 2 Contessa Frozen Micro Steam Meals on sale B1G1 ($6.99 for two) Minus two $2.00/1 printables (some bags had $2.00/1 peelies) Total: $2.99 or $1.49 each! 4 8 O’Clock Original Coffee on sale B1G1 ($4.93 for two) Minus two $2.00/2 printables Total: $5.86 or $1.46 each!Grand Total: Spent $2.93 on $149.05worth of groceries. (Saved $146.12 or 98.1% of the grocery bill!)
**To see this week’s Coupon and Sales Matchups, read my Publix Weekly Ad Blog!
**To learn how to save at Publix, read my Intro to Publix Blog! (Also – do not hesitate to email me with any questions you might have! I would love to help you do what I did!)
What is your location? Are all Publix’s stopping overage?? You did GREAT!
Hi Kristy! Thanks! I live in northern Tampa Bay. I don’t think all Publix’s are stopping overage. However, there are a couple Publix stores that I have heard of (in Pasco and Pinellas) that are no longer giving overage. They will adjust the coupon amount down so that you get the items free but will not give you the excess credit… Free is great but free plus overage is even better! 🙂
That is amazing. My store (Auburndale, Fl), however, won’t let you use two coupons for one item even if it is publix + manufacter. And they won’t do overage. I guess I’ll have to keep looking for a store that still does.
Thanks Linda! Good luck searching for a nearby Publix that allows overage!