Hello Strawberry Shortcake, how I love thee… I posted about this deal yesterday (go HERE) but when I posted the deal, I didn’t say anything about the $1.00 off Cool Whip peelies on the strawberries…. Well, let’s just say, I did amazing today at Publix. If you want to do this deal – look for the strawberry packages that have $1.00 off Cool Whip peelies right on them!! All in all, I spent $0.88 and saved $48.81. And, I’ve already given away two sets of Strawberry Shortcake which is one of my favorite aspects of saving money!
If you are new to saving money at Publix, read my Intro to Publix post!
Here’s the rundown and how to do what I did for today’s Publix stop:
6 Sara Lee Poundcake on sale 50% off or $1.90 each Minus six $1.00/1 printables (print 2x per computer) Total: $5.40 6 Cartons of Strawberries on sale 4 for $5.00 or $1.25 each Minus six $1.75 off Strawberries when you buy Sara Lee Poundcake Publix store coupon from Yellow Adv Flyer**This coupon expired 4/2/10** Total: FREE plus $3.00 overage 6 Cool Whip Topping 8oz on sale B1G1 or $1.49 for two Minus six $1.00/1 peelies found on the 6 the strawberry containers I bought Total: FREE plus $1.53 overageTotal Spent: $0.81, Total Saved: $48.81, Percentage Saved: 98.4%
Which Publix do you shop at?
Hi Jennifer – I was at the Publix in Trinity 🙂
Which one is the yellow Adv flyer??
Thank you for this, right before i walked out the door i looked at your site, so i decided to get some too. However someone took all the coupons off the strawberries, but i moved things around and two had fell under the rack they were on. My 10 year old said wow the things you do for coupons. lol Oh i have to take a picture as i only spent $5. 🙂
I could only do 1 deal because only 2 strawberries had peelies!
How I wish I had a Publix!!! 🙂