Today was such a fun Publix shopping trip. I can’t express how excited I was for the awesome Cascadian Farm deal ($0.33 a bag of fruit/veggies/granola bars/cereal!!!!), I bought tons of cleaning supplies, lots of Benadryl (too bad that won’t help my strep throat), dirt cheap Silk Soymilk, etc etc. Oh – and I’m excited to finally try Del Monte’s Fruit Chillers. One of my friends keeps bugging me asking me why I haven’t tried it. Well, this is the week – especially since a fruit chiller sounds perfect for my sore throat 🙂 So, I said it was a fun trip – here’s how fun it was. I spent $2.47 on everything in the picture above and saved $146.39. And you are right – I only got fresh grapes. No other produce and no meat. My husband is away on a business trip and I’m sick with no appetite. So, I focused on sales and the amazing looking grapes I bought (at a great sales price).
The items I purchased today coincide with this week’s Publix Weekly ad. To see this week’s ad & coupon matchups, go HERE.
If you are new to saving money at Publix, read my Intro to Publix post!
Here’s the rundown and how to do what I did for today’s Publix stop:
1.99 lb of Red Grapes on sale $1.29/lb Total: $2.57 2 Yoplait Yo Plus 4pks on sale B1G1 $2.50 for two Minus one FREE Yoplait coupon from HERE Minus one $1.00 printable Total: FREE plus $1.00 OVERAGE 12 Cascadian Farms Frozen Fruits & Veggies on sale $1.99 each Minus twelve $1.00/1 printable or printable Minus four $2.00/3 Publix store coupon printable or Find Deals that Make Your Earth Day booklet Total: $3.88 or $0.32 each! 4 Edwards Singles Cake on sale B1G1 $2.50 for two Minus four $1.00/1 printable Total: $1.00 or $0.25 each! 4 Silk Soymilk on sale 2/$5.00 Minus two B1G1 coupons from 04-11-10 SS Minus two $1.00/1 coupons from 02-21-10 SS Minus four $0.55/1 Publix store coupons from printable or Find Deals that Make Your Earth Day booklet Total: $0.80 or $0.20 each!! 6 SHOUT on sale B1G1 $2.99 for two Minus six $0.55/1 from 03-21-10 SS Minus six $1/1 Shout Product, Publix store coupons – There’s Value in the Family Total: FREE plus $0.33 OVERAGE! 2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner on sale B1G1 $3.29 for two Minus one $2/2 Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaners – Publix Store Coupon – There’s Value in the Family Publix booklet Minus two $0.75/1 from 03-21-10 SS Total: FREE plus $0.21 OVERAGE! 2 Snyders of Hanover Pretzel sticks on sale 2/$4.00 Minus two $.50/1 Snyder’s Oganic Publix store coupon PRINT or Find Deals that Make Your Earth Day booklet Minus two $1/1 04-11-10 SS Total: $1.00 or $0.50 each! 2 Del Monte Fruit Chillers on sale 3/$5.00 Minus two $1.00/1 printablesTotal: $1.33 or $0.66 each! 4 Windex Multi Purpose Spray on sale B1G1 $3.39 for two Minus two $1/2 Windex Glass Cleaning Products, Any – Publix store coupon – There’s Value in the Family
Minus four $1/1 Windex Multi-Surface Cleaning Product, Any – 03-21-10 SS & PRINT Total: $0.78 or $0.19 each! 5 Bayer Aspirin priced at $2.47
Minus five $1.00/1 from 03-21-10 SS or printable Minus five $2.00/1 Bayer, Alleve, Midol Publix store coupon from Green Advantage flyer Total: FREE plus $2.65 OVERAGE! 4 Benadryl on sale $3.99 each Minus two $5.00/2 Benadryl products from 04-11-10 RP Minus four $1.50/1 Benadryl Publix store coupon from Green Advantage Flyer Total: FREE
Minus one $5.00/$30.00 Winn Dixie Baby Club Coupon (go HERE for more info)
Total Spent Including Tax: $2.47, Total Saved: 146.39, Percentage Saved: 98.3%
I LOVE Show and Tell! I showed this to my husband and told him “THAT is what I want to be someday!”
Thanks for posting it.
Susan – Tell your husband that if I can do it, ANYONE can do it 🙂
I hope I get there someday! Thanks for all of your ideas
Hi Liza, I’m really excited about the organic frozen vegetables. However, I can only find 4 manufacturers coupons to print… two each from each link you gave us. How did you manage to get 12? Also, the publix add I have state the sale is only on the frozen fruit? I take it they didn’t give you any hazzle for using it on the vegetables too?
Hi Vicky! At my Publix veggies were marked as being on sale too. I would expect you should see veggies & fruit on sale. Regarding 12 coupons 🙂 I have 2 laptops and one desktop. So, I was able to print out 4 coupons per computer. If you are looking to get additional coupons, you could ask friends, neighbors or family members to print out additional coupons. I have a friend who will go to the library to print out more coupons.
Hi Liza, thank you. I hope the veggies are on sale at my publix too. I’ll ask my husband to print more coupons at his work! Thanks for the tips.
Ha-ha, when I clicked on the add it actually mentioned the veggies in the small print! LOL. ALWAYS READ THE SMALL PRINT.
I AM SHOCKED!!!! You didn’t take advantage of the Toaster Struddle’s being BOGO????? I thought that they were your favorite!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Jill – I don’t have any $1/1 coupons left!! My mom printed two for me though and I plan on getting two boxes before the sale is over – don’t worry. Haha.
It seems the last two times I went to Publix the cashier looked at every single coupon like I was stealing things from the store. Does this happen to you? Spent 9.60 saved 81.00
Hi Carol – I have felt like this before. But, once your cashiers begin getting to know you and they know that you follow “coupon rules” they will be more laid back. They may still review every coupon, but you probably won’t feel as scrutinized. My favorite cashiers are actually customer service employees b/c I know they understand coupons and policies the best! BTW – Great job!! You did amazing! If you took a picture, feel free to email it to me and I will post it this weekend with other reader photo show and tells 🙂
How are you able to print 4 coupons from each computer? I have only ever been able to go back and rety the page to print once…therefore only 2 coupons total. Please share your mehod!
I didn’t know about using more than one computer in a household. I thought they kept track of the IP address. I’ll be trying that one!
PS- I want to save as much as you someday!!
This week spent $21, saved $52.
Hi Jenni! I was able to print 4 per computer because two coupons were from the link and teh other two coupons were from the link. (Both links are on my coupon matchups). And, yes!! You can print two coupons per computer! The IP Address is different for each computer. So, I use my laptop and my hubbies’ on one printer and then the desktop on another printer. But in actuality, I only need one printer. Definitely start using more than one computer! 🙂 And, you will be able to save as much as me. I promise. I do nothing special. Just match coupons with sales 🙂
L just love that felling too! Awesome job!!!
OMG!!!! I need to start proof reading! lol! It’s late and I’m sick! That’s my excuse! ha!
Liza – on the link, are you signing up under different names/email addresses to get each of those coupons? Are you able to print 2 coupons per email address? I tried to go back and reprint to get 2 under one email address, but it didn’t let me. Just wanting to know if I am missing a trick on how to print more than one per email address. First trip for the week spent $10, saved $35. I have 3 more $5 off $30 to use this week! Thanks!
Hi Lindsay – for the link I signed up myself and my husband. The email I received with the $1.00 coupon I was about to print 2x each on my laptop and desktop. I tried to print it on our other laptop but received the message “print limit reached”. That said, we have tons of email addresses since we are self employed. It might not hurt for you to create one or two more “junk” email accounts specifically for situations like this. Also – where did you get all the $5 off $30 coupons? I’m jealous! 🙂
Carol, my cashier actually said I was committing “coupon fraud” for getting overage on products. If their store doesn’t want to give overage, they should adjust the coupon amount, not say I’m committing fraud. Wow was I mad and upset!!
I loved the deal on the Cascadian Farms frozen fruit! I got 9 bags for .32 each!!!
Wow, Lisa, that’s harsh. As a Publix cashier in Live Oak, FL, I’d like to apologize for that tyrant remark you got from your cashier. Having overage from coupons is not fraud. Some coupons may say “not to exceed purchase price” and those you’ve gotta work around. But if they don’t say that, there should be no problem.
Some stores (such as mine) are so desperate for business that we don’t scrutinize (and never insult) those with coupons. As long as the coupons are honest, we don’t care. We get reimbursed by the companies that put them out. By honest, I mean using coupons for the brands and amounts you actually bought… I have encountered a few sneaky people.
We even take coupons from local competitors at my store. Some of the cashiers are more strict with coupons, and others (like me) are very lax. You’ve just got to learn who in your store will work with you and who to avoid.
How long does it take to build up enough coupons to be this good? I’m so excited about this site.
Hi Rocki! Thanks for the post! It took me about a month and a half when I first started to have a large enough coupon stash to be able to participate in pretty much every deal. The nice thing is that a lot of the deals out requre printable coupons so that means you have to miss out on a lot. If this is your first weekend buying newspapers, I would highly recommend you buy your newspapers in even numbers 2, 4, etc. That way, if there is a buy one get one free sale, you will have two coupons to use on the two items you purchase 🙂 Also – as you start stockpiling, once you have a sufficient stockpile, you will have the luxury of focusing on only dirt cheap items each week as well as necessities like fresh produce, meat, etc. Don’t hesitate to email me any questions you come up with as you get started couponing!!
So excited. I just saved $119.00 and spent $28! That is my best trip ever. something weird happened though. I still had $6 worth of coupons to be scanned but the cashier said the computer would not take any more coupons. It said I had more coupons than item (which I did know I did not). I would have gone to customer service to figure it out but was out of time. Any thoughts on that? had 41 items and 41 coupons rung up but some of the coupons were store coupons.
Still my best trip yet!
I’ve been couponing for years, but never this extensively :). I have a question on printing and ink and such. Do you think you spend a lot on paper and ink in order to get the savings you want and all the coupons you need to print? I printed a bunch of coupons from your post above and it seemed like a lot of wasted paper (many just printed one per page). Do you print in greyscale or color?
Hi Rocki – regarding printing and ink – I do go through a lot of ink. I always print in black and white. I know a lot of people that print in draft/economy mode, but I use the regular settings for black ink. I only print out the coupons I need – UNLESS – they are high value coupons. If there are high value coupons that I know will get me a good deal once the item goes on sale, I will print them out now and hold on to them until when the item is on sale. Regarding coupons that print out once per page, I will print out one coupon on one side of the paper and then put the same page into the printer and print the second coupon on the back side. That way I am getting two coupons on one sheet versus wasting a second piece of paper. Let me know if you need me to explain further! 🙂
Thanks Liza! I need a new email just for couponing stuff. For my $5 off $30’s, I received one in the mail from Publix which I don’t get very often and then Winn Dixie will send out a months worth (one for each week) every once in awhile. This is the second month in a row I have received them – and I rarely go into WD now. My parents live close by so I got there Publix and WD coupons as well! I was hoping my grandparents who live around the corner from them would get them also, but they didn’t 🙁
Simply amazing!! Thanks so much for sharing! I’m hoping I can get this good…I have a family of 7 to feed so any and all savings are good! However I have NEVER saved this much money on groceries!!!
How do we get the $5 off of $30 coupons?
Hi Rocki! I’ve gotten $5/$30 coupons from Winn Dixie Baby Club and from Recycle Bank.
Hi Liza,
Our local Publix does not allow us to use more coupons than items. How did you manage to use the store coupons as well as the manufacturer coupons without getting any “filler” items? Pretty amazing!! 🙂
Hi Yesenia – My Publix allows a Publix store coupon (with a LU#) and a manufacturer coupon on one item. This is store policy for most Publix stores but not all. It seems your Publix is saying that you can use only one coupon per item? It might not hurt to see if there is another Publix around you that accepts a store & manufacturer coupon on one item? These “policies” are subject to each stores’ management…
WOW! *jaw hits ground*