I was desperately in need of lettuce, onions, green peppers, tomatoes and salt today so those were my priorites when I did my weekly shopping trip. So, I went with a list of veggies I needed and then added in some of the great sales that are going on.
I spoke with management at my store and I am so happy to see that very very little is changing at my Publix. They will be reading the verbiage on the store coupons which they didn’t tend to do in the past, but besides that they are going to add two new grocery stores to their accepted competitor list which will only benefit me! So, I’m thrilled with the new coupon policy! 🙂 I forsee each store handling the policy differently so I highly recommend you ask customer service how the store will handle situations like duplicate store coupons, overage, dollar off coupons, etc etc. My store (as the coupon policy states) will accept one dollar off (i.e. $5/$30) Publix store coupon and one dollar off competitor coupon in one transaction. That said, you will have to purchase the total amount of the two coupons before using your other coupons. So, if you use two $5/$30, you will have to spend $60 before coupons. That isn’t a problem for me because I never used two dollar off coupons in one transaction! All in all, I think the new policy is wonderful because we have something in writing and while there are still many “gray areas,” at least we have a policy to bring to the store with us! **If you missed my post on the dissecting the Publix policy earlier this week, go HERE.
I took advantage of the Sominex deal and the John Frieda deal but I only did one deal since the Green Advantage flyer verbiage limits one coupon per customer. I did use multiple Vlasic Publix store coupons but that is because there were no limitations on them. The best part about today’s trip is that I spent $0.00 out of pocket since I was using the $25.00 Publix gift card given to me by My Blog Spark and General Mills. Don’t forget to enter to win the $25.00 gift certificate I am giving to one Addicted to Saving Reader (go HERE).
Please leave a comment on this post and let me know what deals you have taken advantage of this week!
The items I purchased today coincide with this week’s Publix Weekly ad. To see this week’s ad & coupon matchups, go HERE.
If you are new to saving money at Publix, read my Intro to Publix post!
Not all Publix locations allow overage – mine does. If your Publix does not allow overage, they will usually adjust the value of the coupon down so that you receive the item for free.
Here’s What I Bought:
1 bag Vidalia Onions on sale $3.99
Total Due: $3.99
2 Fresh Express Salad Bags on sale BOGO $3.69 for two
Minus one $1.00/2 Fresh Express Salad Publix Store Coupon Peelie(was on my bag of Vidalia Onions – I didn’t even notice this until I was at the register! This was by far the highlight of today’s trip! 🙂
Total Due: $2.69 or $1.35 each
2 Green Bell Peppers on sale $1.99/lb
Total Due: $2.25
1 Lime on sale 3/$1.00
Total Due: $0.34
1 carton Grape Tomatoes on sale 2/$4.00
Total Due: $2.00
4 Corn on sale 12/$3
Minus one $0.50/1 Publix Produce coupon (given to my by a friend who found this in Orlando)
Total Due: $0.50 or $0.13 each
1 Cauliflower on sale 2/$4.00
Total Due: $2.00
2 Texas Toast Croutons on sale $0.99
Minus two $0.50/1 Texas Toast Croutons 4/3/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/31/2011)
Total Due: $0.98 or $0.49 each
1 Mortan Salt reg price $0.53
Total Due: $0.53
8 Yakisoba on sale BOGO $0.89 for two
Minus eight $0.50/1 Maruchan Yakisoba 3/13/2011 SS Insert (exp 5/31/2011)
Total Due: FREE plus $0.44 overage **AWESOME item to donate
2 Vlasic Relish on sale $1.39 each
Minus two $0.75/1 Vlasic Pickles or Relish blinkie
Minus two $0.55/1 Vlasic Pickles Publix Store Coupon Spring Family Gatherings Booklet (exp 5/15/2011)
Total Due: $0.18 or $0.09 each
6 Vlasic Pickles on sale BOGO $2.47 for two
Minus six $0.75/1 Vlasic Pickles or Relish blinkie
Minus six $0.55/1 Vlasic Pickles Publix Store Coupon Spring Family Gatherings Booklet (exp 5/15/2011)
Total Due: FREE plus $0.39 overage
2 Pillsbury Sweet Moments reg price $3.19 each **I opened a bag as soon as I got home and oh my goodness – they are SO good. My husband and I have almost consumed the full bag
Minus oneB1G1 Pillsbury Sweet Moments Publix Store Coupon Printable Coupon (expires 5/14)
Minus one FREE Pillsbury Sweet Moments coupon I received
Total Due: FREE
2 Sominex regular price $3.19 each
Minus one $5.00/any 2 mix or match Os-Cal, Citrucel, Ecotrin, Tagamet, Debrox, Gaviscon, Phazyme, Sominex or Gly-Oxide Publix Store Green Advantage Flyer expires 5/13
Minus two $1.00/1 Advantage Brands: Feosol, Geritol, Tagamet (30 ct. only), Debrox, Vivarin, Gaviscon, Phazyme, Sominex, Nytol, Gly-Oxide, Contac and Massengill 5/1/2011 RP Insert
Total Due: FREE plus $0.62 overage
1 John Frieda Shampoo and Conditioner regular price $5.49 each
Minus one $2.00/1 John Frieda Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Products Publix Store coupon Green Advantage Flyer (expires 5/13/2011)
Minus one $3/1 John Frieda Product 5/1/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/4/2011)
Total Due: $0.49
6 Kraft Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese 12.6 oz bag, on sale BOGO $2.59 for two
Minus six $1/1 Kraft Homestyle Mac & Cheese Dinner 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 5/17/2011)
Total Due: $1.77 or $0.30 each
Minus one $5.00 off when you spend $30.00+ Winn Dixie Store Coupon from Orlando Coupon Book
Total Spent: $11.66 (including tax) Total Saved: $77.04 Percentage Saved: 86.9%
Also –Attention Bloggers – Addicted to Saving now has a button you can grab on the top right of this webpage! Feel free to use it if you would like! 🙂 At the bottom of this post is a place for you to link up your deals! So, make sure you leave a link to your shopping trip successes this week. I am looking for your personal deals not a list of store sales/coupon matchups! And, make sure this is a direct link to your deals post – I will remove links that go directly to your home page. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave a comment on this post letting us know how you did shopping this week!
Nothing Changed at my Publix either.
My publix had a great deal when i walked in to get my vlasic pickles ….there was an end cap full of chip ahoy cookies Bogo w/1.00 coupon hanging off of them i got 2 pkgs. of chips ahoy choc. chip cookies and 2 jars of pickles for $1.41!
Good job Chica, I may be doing a trip tonight to but I am pretty nervous that I will screw something up. It’s not bad if you have the money in pocket to cover that screw up..lol today.. I won’t. Wish me luck 🙂
Christina – you will do awesome! In fact, let me know how it goes okay? 🙂
I so wish I could save that much! I do save a lot of money though. My 3 year old has only a short list of foods he will eat. 🙁
There is an article on yahoo in the local area here is the link it talks about the new publix coupon policy.
No Changes at my Publix either… Thank you Liza!!
Awesome job, Liza!! I’m trying to up my percentage saved. Last trip to Publix I saved 75, but I didn’t get that much. My Publix said the other day that they won’t be changing much, either. That if anything, it would only be for the better. They’ll be announcing it officially tomorrow (Sat). I love my Publix!! I went today to get the John Frieda since the store coupons expired today. The shelves were still empty and I knew they had gotten a H&B truck last night.
So I went to CS and they got someone to look in the back and lo and behold, they finally had it!! I only got 1 shampoo and 1 conditioner and I was so excited!! I’ll be going back sometime b4 Wed. to get actual groceries. So I’ll let you know how it goes! 🙂
I’m trying to figure out what you meant by your green advantage coupon saying “one coupon per customer.” I’m reading one and it says “Limit one deal per coupon per customer.” I would interpret that to mean if you have more than one coupon (the per coupon part of the statement) then you can score more than one deal. Is that incorrect? I’m going to guess that this is an area that different Publix stores, different managers and different cashiers are all going to have trouble with. It’s all about the language.
Publix, this week has a good deal I found. In this past sundays SS insert was .75 cents off one Frenchs Worchestire sauce – it was on sale for .99 cents. I paid .24 for each.
Liza, I shop normally at the Publix at Ridge and Regency since my kids go to Karate right there. I will probably be switching either to Southgate or Trinity since Regency will no longer be accepting WD coupons. At the end of my transactions last night they handed me a card which listed SB and Save a Lot as who they would accept. Cool thing is I went to Save-A-Lot to get milk and I got a $2 off $20 cpn so I can use it.
I did well last night; not as well as you but still good for my family. I got 4 boxes of Special K, 2 boxes of Townhouse Flipsides (boxes have cpns on back), 1 free Yoplait 6 oz yogurt, 2 egg beaters, 3 chicken broths, 2 jars Barilla sauce (Target cpn still accepted), 2 7th generation dish soap, 15 FUZE, 2 jars of Vlasic pickles, 1 16 oz bottle of water and 1 box of Melba snacks. I spent OOP $32.27 and I saved $48.44. The interesting thing was I had coupons for the broth and there were 2 different type of coupons. The ones I had said one coupon per item and the AD coupons said one coupon per customer. The manager said we just need to read the specifics.