I did my weekly Publix shopping trip a day early this week with great results! You can see from the picture that I managed to stock up on Tidy Cats kitty litter. Sadly, my cat doesn’t like this kind of litter but I will gladly donate it to my local vet. Speaking of which – for those of you that don’t have pets, if you are inclined please remember that shelters, animal hospitals, etc are always looking for supplies like litter, food, cleaning products, etc. You can also see that I stocked up on Eight O Clock coffee – that was the goal of my shopping trip today! I have a few more coupons to use so will go and get more coffee before the sale is over. (We go through coffee like it is nobody’s business!) I also scored a few freebies so if we ever have tummy “issues” in our household, we should be covered. 😉 I actually went to Publix yesterday to pick up a raincheck on the Bic Soleil razor deal and got some fresh produce. The past 4 weeks I have definitely come out of pocket more than normal.. But I do have a lot to show for it and I’m still happily under budget.
I also took advantage of the gas card deal but didn’t include it in my numbers below since the money I spent will go towards our gas budget. If you are unaware of the deal, in this week’s ad is a coupon for $10.00 off a $50.00 gas card when you spend $25.00 or more. This is an awesome deal as long as you have the $40.00 to cover the cost of the gas card.
Please leave a comment on this post and let me know what deals you have taken advantage of this week!
The items I purchased today coincide with this week’s Publix Weekly ad. To see this week’s ad & coupon matchups, go HERE.
If you are new to saving money at Publix, read my Intro to Publix post!
1) My Publix allows us to use more than one of the same Publix store coupon and/or competitor coupon in one transaction. Not all Publix locations allow this. You should ask customer service if they allow this before loading up your cart.
2) Not all Publix locations allow overage – mine does. If your Publix does not allow overage, they will usually adjust the value of the coupon down so that you receive the item for free.
Here’s What I Bought:
6 Birds Eye Frozen Vegetables on sale 50% off (look for bags regularly priced at $1.78 each)
Minus two $1/3 Birds Eye Product 3/20/2011 SS Insert (exp 5/15/2011)
Minus three $1.00/2 Birds Eye or Birds Eye Steamfresh Varieties Publix Store Coupon Spring Family Gatherings Booklet
Total Due: $0.34 or $0.06 each
4 Ears of Corn, on sale 8/$2.00
Total Due: $1.00
8 Edwards Pie Singles on sale BOGO $2.95 for two
Minus eight $1/1 Edwards Singles 4/10/2011 SS Insert (exp 5/28/2011)
Total Due: $3.80 or $0.48 each
4 Pepperidge Farm Multigrain Rolls on sale BOGO $3.00 for two
Minus four $1/1 Pepperidge Farm Stone Baked Artisan Rolls SS 4/10/11 (exp 7/31/2011)
Total Due: $2.00 or $0.50 each
1 Coffee Mate Creamer regular priced at $2.15
Minus one FREE Coffee Mate Creamer coupon (no longer available – expires 5/6/11 so make sure you use it!!)
Total Due: FREE
4 Philadelphia Cooking Crème on sale 2/$4.00
Minus four $1.50/1 Philadelphia Cooking Creme 3/6/2011 SS Insert (exp 5/31/2011) and blinkies
Total Due: $2.00 or $0.50 each
8 Tidy Cat Kitty Litter on sale BOGO $2.25 for two
Minus eight $1.10/1 Purina Tidy Cats Brand Cat Litter or $1.10/1 Purina Tidy Cats Brand Cat Litter
Total Due: $0.20 or $0.03 each AMAZING DEAL
10 Eight O’Clock Coffee on sale BOGO $6.59 for two
Minus five $2/2 Eight O’Clock Coffee or $2/2 Eight O’Clock Coffee
Total Due: $22.95 or $2.30 each
4 Sominex regular price $3.19 each
Minus two $5.00/any 2 mix or match Os-Cal, Citrucel, Ecotrin, Tagamet, Debrox, Gaviscon, Phazyme, Sominex or Gly-Oxide Publix Store Green Advantage Flyer
Minus four $1.00/1 Advantage Brands: Feosol, Geritol, Tagamet (30 ct. only), Debrox, Vivarin, Gaviscon, Phazyme, Sominex, Nytol, Gly-Oxide, Contac and Massengill 5/1/2011 RP Insert
Total Due: FREE plus $1.24 overage
3 John Frieda Shampoo and Conditioner regular price $5.49 each
Minus three $2.00/1 John Frieda Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling Products Publix Store coupon Green Advantage Flyer (expires 5/13/2011)
Minus three $3/1 John Frieda Product 5/1/2011 SS Insert (exp 6/4/2011)
Total Due: $1.47 or $0.49 each
2 Extra Strength Gas-X (I don’t have it in front of me but I think it was 10ct??) reg price $2.39
Minus one $5.00/2 any mix or match Ex-Lax, Benefiber, Maalox, Gas-X or Prevacid products Publix Store Coupon Green ADvantage Flyer (expires 5/13)
Total Due: FREE plus $0.22 overage
2 Ex-Lax (I don’t have in front of me but I think it was 10ct) reg price $2.29
Minus one $5.00/2 any mix or match Ex-Lax, Benefiber, Maalox, Gas-X or Prevacid products Publix Store Coupon Green Advantage Flyer (expires 5/13)
Total Due: FREE plus $0.42 overage
Minus one $5.00 off when you spend $30.00 or more Winn Dixie Coupon from Orlando Enjoy the City Coupon Booklet
Total Spent: $31.88 (including tax) Total Saved: $158.70 Percentage Saved: 83.3%
Also –Attention Bloggers -at the bottom of this post is a place for you to link up your deals! So, make sure you leave a link to your shopping trip successes this week. I am looking for your personal deals not a list of store sales/coupon matchups! And, make sure this is a direct link to your deals post – I will remove links that go directly to your home page. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave a comment on this post letting us know how you did shopping this week!
Where did you get the Spring into Savings booklet?
I have a question regarding the use of the Publix “Save $5.00 on any two mix or match-Ex-lax, Benefiber, Maalox, etc” q..it states “limit one deal per coupon per customer”..does that mean if I have other combinations of items I want to purchase with an additional one of these coupons that I cannot use them?
I found 3.00 off of ANY benefiber product. This is a HUGE moneymaker! Hope my Publix has it:) There is also a dollar off of the gas x too which makes it a great moneymaker as well.
i haven’t gotten my enjoy the city and i was upset about lol until you posted the 10 off 40 at sweet bay!!! haha i got similar things- we did great! I technically didn’t spend anything today but i spent 48 dollars and that includes the 40 gas giftcard 🙂 love this deal!!!
Nice job Jillian! Did you order the Orlando or the Tampa Enjoy the City Book? I ordered the Orlando booklet at least a couple months ago so I have had it for a while.. I haven’t used my Groupon to order the Tampa one yet (I bought that Groupon too). Don’t worry – you will get your book but I am so glad I’m still on your good list since I posted the $10/$40. 😉
Thanks for the tip on donating pet items to local vets and shelters. I don’t have any pets and that is a great idea!
My Publix had peelies on the Eight O’Clock coffee for a free package of Pepperidge Farm Milano cookies when you buy 1 Eight O’Clock coffee. The same peelies were on the Milano cookies. I was able to get 12 free packages of Milanos cookies today!
Lucky you!! I went to my store today and found several bags of coffee that had traces from having peelies on it… they had been ripped off of the bags, I could not find one single bag with peelie and I bought 8 bags…
Thanks so much for the linky. And great Job at Publix this week.
We had a new publix open up in our area (WPB) so I had a $5 0ff $30 coupon – I also had the gas coupon $10 off $50(after spending $25). I’m learning to ask before I shop especially if it’s a new store. The new store told me I had to spend $55. I just spent the $30 and didn’t use it. Later, I brought my receipt and gas coupon to my regular store service desk and they allowed me to purchase the gas card for $40:)
Well I got my biggest savings yet. I went and bought the 50.00 gas card and several BOGO’s and walked out spending $47.56 oop. I was excited. I basically got all my groceries for free!!!
Did you get a 10Ct of Ex-Lax or benefiber? I see ex-lax in your picture but not benefiber.
EEK. Ex-Lax.. Fixing now! Thank you! 🙂
This is so nice to see show and tells. I appreciate all your hard work and time inspiring me with your photos, updates and postings. Thank you and Happy Mothers Day! Lisa:)
I finally found that Family Spring Booklet, and I got lots of cheap cheap veggies.
I would like to invite you to link up your savings at the Weekly Savings Linky @ Frugality Is Free .
Where did you get the Spring Family Gatherings booklet? mailed or in the store? recent? I looked through my extra booklet file and didn’t find anything. HELP please….
I cannot find the 3$ off coupon for John Freida in the 5/1/11 ss insert… help?
on the eight oclock coffee some of the bags have a coupon for a free bag of milano cookies when you buy one bag of coffee…..YUMMM!!!!