Hello Ronzoni pasta and Ragu sauce! As you know, Publix has an awesome deal right now on Ragu and Ronzoni which is why I stocked up bigtime! I had a great day. Didn’t get any produce, but I have been getting produce at Winn Dixie and I stocked up on organic veggies and ground beef at Messineo’s Market in St Petersburg using the Groupon I purchased for me & my husband. I did pretty good today though and had a great time shopping as usual. 🙂
The items I purchased today coincide with this week’s Publix Weekly ad. To see this week’s ad & coupon matchups, go HERE.
If you are new to saving money at Publix, read my Intro to Publix post!
Here’s the rundown and how to do what I did for today’s Publix stop:
2 Cole’s Garlic Mini Bread priced at $1.79 each Minus one B1G1 Cole’s Garlic Mini Bread Publix Store Coupon Yellow Advantage Flyer Minus two $0.50/1 Cole’s Garlic Bread products Total Due: $0.79 or $0.40 each 2 Blue Diamond Bold Wasabi & Soy Almonds on sale B1G1 $2.95 for two **The Wasabi & Soy almonds are AMAZING. I’ve already eaten half the can 😉 Minus two $0.50/1 Blue Diamond Product Total Due: $1.95 or $0.97 each 2 Vlasic Pickles on sale B1G1 $2.47 for two Minus two $0.75/1 Vlasic Pickles Blinkies Total Due: $0.97 or $0.48 each 2 Crystal Light Pure Fitness Drink Mix on sale B1G1 $2.99 for two Minus two $2.00/1 Crystal Light Pure Fitness coupons from Vocal Point Mailer Total Due: FREE plus $1.01 overage 4 Mentos Pure Fresh Gum on sale B1G1 $3.29 for two Minus four $1.00/1 off Mentos Gum, 50 piece 05/23/10 SSTotal Due: $2.58 or $0.65 each 4 Nestle Tollhouse Cookie Dough on sale B1G1 $2.79 for two Minus four $1/1 Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough Total Due:$1.58 or $0.40 each 4 Sundown Vitamins total spend $14.36
Minus two $6.00/2 Sundown Vitamins Publix Store Coupon Green Advantage Buy Flyer Minus two $3.00/2 Sundown Vitamins Printable Total Due: FREE plus $3.66 overage 10 Ragu Pasta Sauce on sale B1G1 $2.27 for two Minus five $1/2 Ragu PUBLIX Coupon Get A Smart Start For Back-To-School Publix Coupon (exp 8/22/2010)
Minus five $.60/2 Ragu Pasta Sauces 8/1/2010 RP Insert (exp 8/29/2010) Total Due: $3.35 or $0.34 each 8 Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Pasta on sale B1G1 $1.79 for two Minus four $1/2 Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Total Due: $3.16 or $0.39 each
Minus one $5.00/$30.00 Winn Dixie Recycle Bank Coupon (my mom gave me this)
Total Due: $5.40 (including tax), Total Saved: $91.37, Percentage Saved: 94.5%
Did you forget your $10 off $50 Publix coupon??
Hi Jenn – No 🙁 There was no $10/$50 coupon in my mail. I was so disappointed!
We still haven’t gotten the grocery ads for the week! I’m going to follow the mailman back to his truck & beg him for a few more! Maybe bribe him with a few sobe’s! LOL I love those $10/50 coupons, I just wish they didn’t expire as soon!
Last week I got the ads on Monday that were ending on Wednesday! Too funny!
My Publix will no longer let you use 2 coupons on a BOGO item. They say one item is free so you can’t get money off. My son is no longer at my store and the customer service manager is on vacation. I may have to shop at another store.
I would find another Publix if they really aren’t going to budge!
I have 1 store that is so fantastic about coupons(will even give you thier extras), 1 that is generally good, but the supervisor rings me up when she sees my come in the store- I have no problems with that at all, saves me time with an override for more coupons than items when I stack!- and 1 that is a hit or miss! Oh and about 6 I would have to be desperate to bother with.
There are 22 Publix’s from S. St. Pete to Clearwater. I don’t know where you live but I’m hoping that you have a bunch near you as well.
Also, have you called corporate? They have said in the past that BOGO’s are 2 items & can use 2 coupons. If you get a chance, call them so you can say “Well I called Corporate last week & they said….”
Let us know what you hear from corporate!
Michelle which stores are you favorites?
my top one has been the bardmoore store on starkey and bryan dairy
In that area, I like the (across from) Seminole Mall one (great for rainchecks)& the one on East Bay- TriCity Plaza ordered a bunch of the razors & shaving cream for me & the rest of the couponers when they found out why they were sold out so quickly.
The one on Starkey puts a limit on all deals for a maximum of 5. But if you know the it’s an item that is HOT, the store manager will order extra of them for everyone. But again, a limit of 5. Of course, that’s if they notice or care that day, as I bought a bunch of the fisher nuts while the vendor was loading the shelf & could restock & they didn’t care one bit! If this is your favorite, get to know the store manager & he should be able to work with us on ordering more of things. I talked to him for a bit about a month ago about how there are over 2k people on this site & we all look for the same Publix deals. His only concern was not being able to sell items if he special ordered them and getting stuck with them, but on items like the schick razors & shave gel we would have cleared him out!
I love the 54th Avenue S. store. The HBA girl is super sweet & it great about getting items in quickly & actually holding them & calling to let you know that are in! The one at 34th st S. & 53rd makes you feel like a criminal! Grrr….
I’m new to the coupon deal…very excited to get going. I bought 2 newspapers last Sunday & cut out all the coupons & stored them in a organized folder. With that being said, I don’t know where to begin after that?! Do you go grocery shopping by a list of what you need that week? or Do you shop by what coupons you have only? I don’t know where to go from here! I’m sorry if this is a ding-dong question too! :/
tam, Liza has alot of information at the top of the page that you may find helpful for an intro on couponing. i dont cut all mine out…………as i just dont have the time. i ussually watch for the liza’s site………..or the iheart sites….iheartpublix.com, iheartcvs.com, iheartwags.com,most of these sites have most of the coupon deals already listed for you. my husband is coming around to the idea of stockpiling……especially when i buy stuff for next to nothing. welcome to the wonderful coupons
Thank you!!! I appreciate all the help! 🙂
Hi Tam! Getting started is probably the toughest part of couponing. When I first got started, I really tried to begin focusing on items that were on sale good. I started to stockpile slowly and really started to adjust how I looked at grocery shopping. As Vicki said, I have a lot of “Intro” posts on the top horizontal bar of the site. Beyond that, if you have questions as you are getting started, don’t hesitate to post them on this site. The readers are AWESOME about answering questions and helping each other out!
Thanks Liza! I will read over everything again & go from there!!! 🙂
Hey Liza, great job as always!;)
My favorite Blue Diamonds are the Habanero BBQ flavor. Everytime they go on sale I buy 10 cans and I just barely have enough until they go on sale again! Those things are addictive!! 🙂
If anyone has seen the back to school coupon book, would you share where it was???? Thanks
I found the Smart Start for Back-to-School booklet right when I walked in…they had formed islands with the products inside it and the booklets were hanging in a box on the side.
Does anyone shop at the Park/49th Publix? How are they? 🙂 Thanks!
I’ve been there a couple of times….they are not my favorite. The first time I went there with coupons the cashier made me feel horrible for using my coupons and double-checked and triple-checked to make sure I had everything I was supposed to. But I went there last night with no problems, but only had a small purchase with a few coupons. But the store itself being brand new is really nice. 😉
Where are these “blinkies” I see mentioned? Whenever I see “blinkie” or “peelie” in here I never find it at my store. Is there a machine with coupons by the pickles? I’d like to get the Vlassics on sale but wonder if anyone else has seen the coupons in their store?
Blinkies are the machines where you can pull a coupon out of and another one will spit out afterwards. They sometimes have a flashing light, hence the name “blinkie”. Peelies are coupons that are stuck to a product and you can peel off. Oftentimes the blinkies will show up on a product before a sale as opposed to during a sale. That is why Liza recommends being on the lookout for these machines on all of your shopping trips and taking one or two coupons to save for a sale. Hope that helps some. 🙂
Does the Publix you shop at let you use more than 1 store coupon for an item? I shop at Publix in Gulf Shores, Alabama and I think they only allow 1 store coupon per item per transaction. Suzie
Publix will let you stack a manufactures coupon with a Publix store coupon (you can tell it’s Publix store if it has a lu#) for each item.
Great trip to Publix for me today! Saved $86.55 and used a $10 gift card I got as a rebate yesterday in the mail (which only cost me a stamp)…my out of pocket .33 including tax! I even got an 8 pack of Gatorade and jug of Arizona green tea which I had no coupons for (gasp) but figured, what the heck!
Looking over my Publix receipt from today, realized that I had picked up the wrong pencils(they were hung up in the wrong spot). Tought I was getting the 3/$3 deal when I had actually spent $2.99 EACH. Just got back from returning them and customer service gave me a cash refund so I’m definately way ahead this week.
hi liza
thanks for the all the help in making us save.
was just wondering where do you get your $5 off $30. Tried doing kashless but they are not connected with recycle bank anymore
Hi Teresa – When I first signed up for Recycle Bank, they gave out points left and right. My mom and I are both members and I just used the last coupon yesterday.
My Publix had coupons for FREE Wheat Thins when you buy two of the Crystal Light Fitness drink mixes- so I got the same deal (two boxes for $1.01 overage), but also scored two free boxes of Wheat Thins (did two deals). Also scored 30 bottles of the Motts Medley Juice for less than $13!!
Liza, the $3/off 2 Sundown printable is not there anymore. Any hints for me? Thanks, Vicki
Look for the peelies for $1/1
there is a sundown coupon in last sundays paper in red plum
Finally!!! I figured out my Publix’s secret. I never can find the booklets in the Publix that I like the best and usually will visit a couple of others to get them. Today, I asked about the “back to school” coupon book since they had up the display but no books anywhere in sight. The young customer service clerk goes under the counter where I see TONS of booklets and gives me some, along with a few others, Fuel for School and Save Big. They have been rationing them the whole time. Sneaky Sneaky Publix. Now I will pester them everytime I go there. Did really well today though after receiving the other booklets. Major overage on the Thermacare and then various coupons throughout store. I did the Nabisco and milk but then found coupons for Keebler cookies (which teenager goes through very quickly) which lead to using the $2 off milk in the “fuel for school”, so basically got the Nabisco packs and the milk for next to nothing. $20 spent, $100+ saved.
Did you publix take the Publix coupon for 1 thermacare package or did the make you use one store coupon for 2 packages?
They took it for the one package with 2 heatwraps in it. The coupon is worded funny but the “OR” states that ONE 2-heatwrap package gets $5 off. That not be how they meant it but my cashier didn’t even blink, just rang it up.
I just called the store I got mine from & will be going back with my receipt to get my extra $5 back!
Yesterday I spent $4.11 (saved $27.57)for 1 Thermacare,2 Dole salads,2 Tollhouse cookies,2 OceanSpray Blueberry juices and 1 pint of blueberries.
I am happy with that because I have come to realize that my totals can never be as low as Liza’s because the prices down here (Ft. Lauderdale area) are way higher. For example, the tollhouse cookies are $3.39 while Liza post shows $2.79 (.60 difference!)
Hi Jamilla! I’m glad you realized that there are pricing differences b/c I would imagine it would be very frustrating to watch my numbers vary so drastically from yours! I can’t believe the difference of Tollhouse cookies is $0.60!?! That said, GREAT job on everything you bought and thanks for your comment regarding the price differences. Very interesting!
Wow, your savings are really impressive!
I would love it, if you would link up you savings, at the Weekly Savings Linky @
Frugality Is Free
Awesome trip!
My first trip tp Publix I spent $54.48 and saved $56.64. The second trip I spent $20.16 and saved $35.95. I’ve been unable to save more than 50% it seems. Does anybody have more tips to save? Thanks:)
Awesome deals! I do have a question about your monthly totals. You do awesome with your savings at Publix, but I do want to know if fresh produce is ever included in your monthly totals? I will get some of these same deals you posted – Ragu, Blue Diamond Almonds, Crystal Light & Toll House, but on my list is orange juice, fresh fruit, lettuce, etc. so my OOP is never as low as yours. Do you buy these things, or only buy them when you get them free or almost free?
Thanks for all you do on this GREAT site!