Wow. Looking at this picture I definitely see a ton of carbs. Eek. Good thing I share my food with others 🙂 I had a marvelous Publix trip today. It was a trip that I threw together very quickly this morning. I focused on the sales items and grabbed a bag of lettuce and a dozen eggs and one lone banana for after my long run on Sunday. I splurged on the Doritos. They are on sale but I had no coupons. And, I don’t normally buy chips. I’m regretting it already considering I consumed quite a bit despite that the fact that they have been in my house for less than 8 hours. UGH. I did awesome though. I saved 95.2% and I have a ton of food to stockpile away and to give away which makes me very happy.
Also – Attention Bloggers – at the bottom of this post is a place for you to link up your deals! So, make sure you leave a link to your shopping trip successes this week. I am looking for your personal deals not a list of store sales/coupon matchups! And, make sure this is a direct link to your deals – I will remove links that go to your home page.
The items I purchased today coincide with this week’s Publix Weekly ad. To see this week’s ad & coupon matchups, go HERE.
If you are new to saving money at Publix, read my Intro to Publix post!
2 Doritos, on sale BOGO $3.99 for two
Minus zero coupons
Total Due: $3.99
1 Publix Italian Salad, on sale 2/$4.00
Total Due: $2.00
1 Banana, priced at $0.69/lb
Total Due: $0.30
1 Dozen Eggs, priced at $1.69
Total Due: $1.69
2 Airwick Freshmatic Starter Kits on sale $6.49
Minus two $4/1 Air Wick Freshmatic Starter Kit
Minus two $3/1 Air Wick Freshmatic or i-Motion PUBLIX coupon Publix Family Favorites Booklet (exp 10/10/2010)
Total Due: FREE plus $1.02 overage
8 Kraft Homestyle Deluxe Mac & Cheese, on sale BOGO $2.99 for two
Minus four B1G1 Kraft Homestyle Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese Dinner (must play game & get 3000 points for coupon)
Minus four $0.75/1 Kraft Homestyle Deluxe Mac & Cheese tearpad
Total Due: FREE plus $3.00 overage
6 Ore-Ida Steam n’ Mash on sale B1G1 $3.99 for two
6 Heinz Gravy priced at $1.57 each
Minus six $1.00/1 Ore-Ida Steam n’Mash Potato Product printable
Minus two $1.00/3 Heinz Gravy Homestyle Gravy printable
Minus four $2.00 off wyb one Heinz HomeStyle Gravy 12 oz+ AND one Ore-Ida Steam n’Mash FL Toss for Cash
Minus two Free Ore-Ida Frozen Potato Product wyb two Ore-Ida Frozen Products 20 oz+ FL Toss for Cash (I just noticed the cashier subtracted $3.99 for each coupon even though she should have subtracted $3.39)
Total Due: FREE plus $2.59 overage
2 Lactaid Milk priced at $2.19
Minus two $2.00/1 Lactaid Milk ANY blinkie (if you find a blinkie make sure that there are no size limitations on the coupon – mine had no size limits)
Total Due: $0.38 or $0.19 each
8 Ronzoni Pasta, on sale B1G1 $1.17 for two
Minus eight $.55/1 Ronzoni(use zipcode 90210)
Total Due: $0.28 makes them $0.04 each
2 Quaker Oats Grits on sale B1G1 $2.73 for two
2 Quaker Oats Quick Oats on sale B1G1 $2.75 for two
Minus two $1/1 Quaker Instant Oatmeal ,Quick or Old Fashioned Oats 18oz+ – 08-29-10 RP ( exp 10/31/2010)
Total Due: $3.48 makes them $0.87 each
1 Covergirl Boundless Nail Polish, on sale 30% off making it $2.30
Minus one $1.50/1 CoverGirl Publix Store Coupon Green Advantage Flyer
Minus one $1/1 CoverGirl Product 8/29/2010 P&G Insert (exp 9/30/2010)
Total Due: FREE plus $0.20 overage
2 CoverGirl Eyeliner pencils priced at $2.99 **eek – I just realized these rang up full price! They must not have been included in the sale?!? Oh well – I needed eyeliner..
Minus two $1.50/1 CoverGirl Publix Store Coupon Green Advantage Flyer
Minus two $1/1 CoverGirl Product 8/29/2010 P&G Insert (exp 9/30/2010)
Total Due: $0.98 or $0.49 each
4 Bagel Bites 9 packs priced at $1.97 each
Minus two $2/2 Bagel Bites PUBLIX coupon Toss4Cash FL Booklet (exp 9/30/2010)
Minus two $1.50/2 Bagel Bites 6/13/2010 SS Insert (exp 12/31/2010)
Total Due: $0.88 or $0.22 each
Total Spent: $6.66 (including tax), Total Saved: $131.90, Percentage Saved: 95.2%
What an awesome deal! I wish we had a Pulix near us! I just posted one of my deals from CVS this week!!
Will another toss4cash book be given out soon? I see the expiration dates on coupons are for this month leading me to believe there will be a new one soon. Where do we find these booklets once they come out?
Hi Leksie! I have found that the Toss4Cash booklet only comes out once a year. That said, coupon booklets come out all the time so we will definitely have new new booklets to look for. And, coupon booklets are often found at Publix next to the weekly sales flyers, they are found throughout the stores and sometimes at the customer service desk. There is no rhyme or reason as to where to fidn the booklets.
Thanks!!!!! That helps me ;).
I am sooooo impressed with the show and tell above. I am inspired!!!!
I tried to print out the Oreida Steam and Mash Q and it says I’ve already printed out the number of times allowed. I have never printed any out! Why does this happen?
I don’t have a blog so I will just post it here. I went to Publix today and saved 80.5%!!! I spent $17.89 and saved $74.05. I also found 5 of the coupon booklets….yes 5 in one store on the same day yippee:)
Liza, I see you’re still doing a fantastic job of saving even without the $/$$ coupons.
I already got the Airwick but I will also be getting the Ronzoni, Kraft Homestyle Mac & Cheese and Covergirl products tomorrow (I’m waiting on the 50% off Kellogg’s sale). Did you find the tearpad for the Mac & Cheese recently?
Thanks for all you do to help us save money!!
Hi Jamilla! Thanks for the reminder on the Kellogg’s sale – I will repost about that now 🙂 Re: tearpad, no I found the tearpad probably about a month ago (if not longer)..
WOW I just starting using coupons recently and I am HOOKED I hope to save 95% one day.
Yeah! I’m glad you are hooked! You will save 95% someday as long as you build a stockpile! Keep me posted 🙂
You did great girl!!! You explain things well to!
need more info on the airwick deal at publix. i saw your show and tell description but th elink you supply to the full match ups looks like it send ya to last weeks. i was just at public and i coudlnt find anything for 6.49.
Hi Cindy! Looks like I have the incorrect link – will fix right now. Regarding the price.. the sale may have ended when the Yellow Advantage Flyer sale ended which was this past Friday..?