Publix has some great sales this week! Today I scored some great freebies but more importantly to me, I snagged a little of 8 lbs of chicken breasts, tons of zucchini (I will be experimenting trying to cook this awesome Greek zucchini dish called Boureki – I will make it every night until it comes out just right even if my husband and I start to turn green ;)) and of course the Cascadian Farm frozen veggie deal! I got 6 bags of Cascadian Farm frozen edamame. YUM. Also – I don’t know if you can tell in this picture but attached to two of the bags of Almond Accents are $1.00 off Bagged Salad wyb 2 bags of Almond Accents coupons. Yup. Still attached. That means the salad that I bought I ended up paying full price for. My cashier didn’t pull the coupons off the bags and I forgot to pull them off as well. I know I could go back to get $2.00 taken off but I just don’t have the time for it.. Oh well.. If you take advantage of the Almond Accents deal, make sure you check out all of the bags because at my Publix, a ton of the bags had the great $1.00 off salad coupon.
Since I have been away for a few weeks, I needed to restock my refrigerater with produce and some necessities like eggs and margarine. I also missed out on some of the great coupon booklets that Kelly posted about while I was gone so that was disappointing, but I’m still really pleased! I also have a friend who gave me a ton of awesome Winn Dixie coupons so that helped my out of pocket spending on the pork, ground beef and the melon. My total spent out of pocket today definitely wouldn’t get me on Extreme Couponing this week, but as we’ve already discussed earlier this week, Extreme Couponing isn’t very realistic is it? And, sometimes I do have savings of 90% or more.. Today, however, with all of the produce and meat, I am thrilled that I saved 72.5%! And, my freezer is now restocked with chicken and it already has more meat than I could imagine!
The items I purchased today coincide with this week’s Publix Weekly ad. To see this week’s ad & coupon matchups, go HERE.
If you are new to saving money at Publix, read my Intro to Publix post!
1) My Publix allows us to use more than one of the same Publix store coupon and/or competitor coupon in one transaction. Not all Publix locations allow this. You should ask customer service if they allow this before loading up your cart.
2) Not all Publix locations allow overage – mine does. If your Publix does not allow overage, they will usually adjust the value of the coupon down so that you receive the item for free.
Here’s What I Bought:
Cascadian Farm Frozen Vegetables on sale 2/$4.00
Minus six $1.00/1 Cascadian Farm Frozen Vegetable Publix store printable
Minus six $0.75/1 Cascadian Farm Product (exp 5/2/2011)
Total Due: $1.50 or $0.25 each
8 Snickers Crème Eggs priced at 2/$1.00
Minus four $1/2 Mars Easter Products
Total Due: FREE! **I should have brought these eggs immediately to my neighbor’s boys.. my husband and I have already eaten 2 each 😉
4 Pillsbury Crescent Rolls on sale 10/$10
Minus two $0.50/2 Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls
Total Due: $3.00 or $0.75 each
3 Pillsbury Cinnabon Biscuits on sale 10/$10
Minus one $0.75/3 Pillsbury products blinkie
Total Due: $3.00 or $0.75 each
2 Land O Lakes Margarine on sale $1.59 each
Minus one $1.00/2 Land O’ Lakes Margarine
Total Due: $2.18 or $1.09 each
1 Dozen Eggs, reg price $1.59
Total Due: $1.59
1 Cantaloupe on sale 2/$3.00
Minus one $0.75/1 Produce Winn Dixie Coupon
Total Due: $0.75
1 Boneless Pork Chops Thin on sale $1.33
Minus one $1.00/1 Pork Winn Dixie Coupon
Total Due: $0.33
4 containers of Zucchini, 1 Bag of Green Beans on sale $1.29/lb
Total Due: $6.86
2 Packages of Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts on sale $1.99/lb
Minus one $1.00/1 Chicken Winn Dixie Coupon
Total Due: $15.80
3 Lemons on sale 3/$1.99
Total Due: $1.99
8 Trident Vitality Gum reg price $1.09
Minus four Buy 1 Trident Vitality gum, 9 ct and get 1 FREE Publix Yellow Ad coupon
Minus four B1G1 Trident Gum 3/6/2011 SS Insert (exp 4/30/2011)
Total Due: FREE
4 Aunt Jemima Frozen Pancakes on sale BOGO $2.69 for two
Minus two FREE Aunt Jemima Pancakes coupons
Total Due: FREE
4 almond Accents on sale BOGO $2.99 for two
Minus four $1/1 Almond Accents
Total Due: $1.98 or $0.50 each
1 Bag Publix Spinach reg price $2.29
1 Bag Fresh Express Premium Romaine reg price $2.29
**I meant to use the two $1.00 off bagged salad wyb 2 Almond Accents :(**
Total Due: $4.58
4 Starkist Chunk Light Tuna 4 pk 5 oz can on sale BOGO $3.15 for two
Total Due: $6.30 or $1.58 each
4 Ken’s Marinade on sale BOGO $2.99 for two
Minus four $1/1 Ken’s Marinades 3/20/2011 SS Insert (exp 4/30/2011)
Total Due: $1.98 or $0.50 each
1 Silk Soymilk on sale 2/$5.00
Minus one $2/1 Silk Half Gallon
Total Due: $0.50
2 Crest Toothpaste on sale BOGO $2.69 for two
Minus one $1.00/1 Crest Toothpaste Publix Store Coupon Savings are Stocking up at Publix
Minus two $1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel 3/27/2011 P&G Insert (exp 4/30/2011)
Total Due: FREE plus $0.31 overage
2 Oral B Indicator Toothbrushes on sale 2/$3.00
Minus one $1.00/1 Oral B Toothbrush Publix Store Coupon Savings are Stocking up at Publix
Minus one $2/2 Oral-B Products 4/3/2011 P&G Insert (exp 4/30/2011)
Total Due: FREE
1 Bag Red Potatoes on sale 2/$5.00
Minus one $0.75/1 Bagged Potatoes Winn Dixie Coupon
Total Due: $1.75
Minus one $5.00 off when you spend $30.00 + Winn Dixie Store Coupon
Total Spent: $48.81 Total Saved: $128.55 Percentage Saved: 72.5%
Also –Attention Bloggers -at the bottom of this post is a place for you to link up your deals! So, make sure you leave a link to your shopping trip successes this week. I am looking for your personal deals not a list of store sales/coupon matchups! And, make sure this is a direct link to your deals post – I will remove links that go directly to your home page. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave a comment on this post letting us know how you did shopping this week!
I look forward to your photo show and tell every week!
Its great and helps me when I make my list.
I was wondering how you found the Winn Dixie $ off pork, chicken, produce ect?
It is from their catalina or a coupon book?
Wonderful percentage for all that!!!! I had a quick question tho.. I forgot about the crest toothbrush deal.. I am looking at my coupons now, both are in the P&G but you have
Minus one $2/2 Oral-B Products 4/3/2011 P&G Insert (exp 4/30/2011)
The coupon I see in front of me states $2 off 1 oral-B pulsar, cross-action, advantage OR any 2 indicator or cavity defense manual toothbrushes
wouldn’t I be able to use 2 of these instead of the 1?
Nice catch Olenka! I was relying on my memory as to the type of toothbrush I bought! I actually bought two Indicator brushes which is why I used the $2/2 manufacturer coupon. 🙂 My Publix didn’t have the advantage included in the sale.. I will update my Photo Show and Tell now. Thank you so much for the catch!
No, thank you!!
what zip code is the cascadian farms coupon under, i can’t find it?
What zip code is the Cascadian Farm Frozen Vegetable Publix store printable? I am having trouble finding it. Thanks for all your time!
Publix is 33313. I can’t find the
for the publix printable, just go to and click on the right (towards the middle) where it says “weekly ad”. when the weekly ad comes up it will be a blue coupon book icon towards the right hand side…and I think the coupon is gone from 🙁
Welcome back Liza! Thanks for posting your shopping and the link up.
I did not see much this week, and Publix was out of a few things, but I still got some freebies.
I would like to invite you to link up your savings at the Weekly Savings Linky @ Frugality Is Free .
Where do you get the Winn Dixie coupons? My weekly flyer does not have coupons in them?
Where do you get the Winn Dixie coupons? My flyer does not have them?
The Publix stock up and save booklet coupons expired 3/21/11? Was this something you received in the mail or is it available at the store? Thanks, Vicki
Hi Vicki – My mistake – I called the coupon booklet the wrong name.. It is from the “Savings are Stocking up at Publix” booklet that I received in the mail. Thanks for the head’s up!
Hi, I finally found 2 different coupon booklet on the end caps in the Publix store. Who Loves you and Gentle on the Earth Products. Pedigree has $1/1 tearpad at end cap also. Happy hunting!!