**Newspaper subscription deal of the week! If you live in Orlando, score a Friday – Sunday Orlando Sentinel subscription for just $0.13/paper!
This week is an eclectic shopping week at Publix. There are some sales I have never seen before (Reser’s Au Gratin and Reser’s Entrees) and some great stockpile priced deals on household staples like Finish Quantum and 2000 Flushes. (Although, to be honest, I bought 2000 Flushes for the first time today.. do you all like this product?) Hubby found an awesome deal on Duncan Hines Frosting Creations by combining the Publix coupon with manufacturer coupons. And I was able to continue to replenish our dwindled canned tomatoes stockpile! We went into Publix armed with a $25.00 gift card and so that made today’s shopping trip even more fun for us! 🙂
How did you do this week? Leave a comment on this post letting me know – I would love to hear how much you spent, saved and what deals you took advantage of! 🙂
Below is what I bought and the coupons we used. We did two transactions and used one $5/$30 Winn Dixie Enjoy the City coupon in each transaction. For convenience, below I have combined both transactions into one.
Check: Publix Weekly Ad and Kroger Weekly Ad.
4 Hunts Tomatoes on sale BOGO $1.45 for two
Minus two $0.55/2 Hunt’s Canned Tomatoes printable
Total Due: $1.80 or $0.45 each
2 Reser’s Au Gratin Potatoes on sale BOGO $4.49 for two
Minus two $1/1 Main Street Bistro Baked Sides
Total Due: $2.49 or $1.25 each
2 Resers’s Dinners on sale BOGO $5.49 for two
Minus two $1/1 Main St Bistro Baked Dinner 20oz item
Total Due: $3.49 or $1.75 each
2 Sweet Onions on sale $1.29/lb
Total Due: $2.43
1 Half Gallon Milk, $2.59
Total Due: $2.59
1 Gallon Milk, $3.69
Total Due: $3.69
1 Quart Organic Valley Half & Half, $3.49
Total Due: $3.49
2 State Fair Corn Dogs on sale bOGO $3.49 for two
Minus one $1/2 State Fair Corn Dogs Facebook Coupon
Total Due: $2.49 or $1.25 each
2 Kraft Fresh Take on sale BOGO $2.99 for two
Minus two $1/1 Kraft Fresh Take Cheese & Breadcrumbs Mix printable
Total Due: $0.99 or $0.49 each
2 Finish Quantum on sale BOGO $6.99 for two
Minus two $1.25/1 Finish Quantum Powerball Tabs or Gelpacs, exp. 4/20/13 (SS 03/17/13)
Total Due: $4.49 or $2.25 each
2 Duncan Hines Frosting Creations Flavor Mix $0.99 each
2 Duncan Hines Frosting Creations $1.67 each
Minus two FREE Duncan Hines Frosting Creations Flavor Mix, exp. 6/30/13 (SS 03/17/13)
Minus two $0.50/1 Duncan Hines Frosting Creations Product printable
Minus two $1/1 Duncan Hines Frosting Creations Frosting Starter and Flavor Mix, exp. 4/21/13 (Publix, Basket of Savings)
Total Due: $0.34 or $0.09 each
2 Velveeta Casserole on sale BOGO $3.39 for two
Minus two $1/1 Velveeta Cheesy Skillets or Casseroles Dinner Kit printable
Total Due: $1.39 or $0.70 each
2 Knorr Side Dishes on sale BOGO $1.17 for two
Minus one $0.50/2 Knorr Rice and Pasta Sides, exp. 4/21/13 (RP 03/24/13 R)
Minus one $0.50/2 Knorr Sides Target Store Coupon
Total Due: $0.17 or $0.09
2 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats Crunch on sale BOGO $3.69 for two
Minus one $1/2 Kellogg’s Cinnamon Jacks, Frosted Mini Wheats Crunch, Scooby Doo or Special K, Chocolately Strawberry Cereals
Total Due: $2.69 or $1.35 each
2 Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ Sauce on sale BOGO $3.39 for two
Minus one $1.00/2 Sweet Baby Ray’s Products
Total Due: $2.39 or $1.20 each
2000 Flushes on sale BOGO $3.49 for two
Minus two $1/1 2000 Flushes Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner printable
Total Due: $1.49 or $0.75 each
Minus two $5 off $30 Winn Dixie Enjoy the City coupon
Total Spent: $29.34 Total Saved: $115.95 Percentage Saved: 74.7%
Also –Attention Bloggers – at the bottom of this post is a place for you to show your own brag worthy purchases! I ask that you make sure this is a direct link to your deals post – I will remove links that go directly to your home page. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave a comment on this post letting us know how you did shopping this week.
Saved 100% using ibotta app on my iphone and with overages from coupons on this trip to Walmart! 🙂
$210.61 before coupons
Gortons Tilapia Fillets
2 Banquet Chicken Nuggets
Ball Park Franks 8ct
Sara Lee hot dog buns 8ct
Healthy Choice Top Chef Cafe Steamers
Ore Ida Crinkle Cut Easy Fries
2 cans Black Beans
2 cans Kidney Beans
Can of Kernel Corn
Can of Diced Tomatoes
6ct Kool Aid Bursts-Grape
Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & meatballs
Smuckers jelly Red Raspberry
2 McCormick Chili
Capri Sun 10pk
Capri Sun V 10pk
Kool Aid Jammers 10pk
Heinz Ketchup 10ct packs
2 Suave Kids Shampoo
38 Neutrogena Acne Wash
6 WNW Lipstick
1 WNW Eyeliner pencil
9 WNW Coloricon shimmer pencils
5 WNW nail polish
14 BIC Comfort 3
7 BIC Silky Touch
4 Vidal Sassoon
Banana Boat sunscreen spray
5 Poise wash
Total after coupons -$0.17
Paid $12.11 TAX
Getting back $12 PayPal CASH from Ibotta!!
== 100% savings!
Any chance we could get a coupon breakdown/links from you?
You got it for free because of the nuetrogena.You made 19 $ with it. whats the deal with the shimmer pencils nail polish?
On your Photo show and tell I did not see where you purchased the 2000 flushes and the coupons you used.
I don’t see that product listed either. Glad you posted too – thought I was losing my mind 😉
Sorry Pam & Michele! The coupons I used two $1.00/1 2000 Flushes printable coupons found HERE
I am not sure about 2000 flushes, but my best advice (since I know you are a dog owner) is to keep the seat down! Our dog likes to drink out of the toilet bowl now and then. I cannot imagine that 2000 flushes is vet approved.
A plumber told me years ago that 2000 flushes type products are not good for the toilet and they corrode the parts. I have not used it since for that reason. Not sure how bad it really could be