Be sure to stop at the CVS Coupon Kiosk when you head to CVS. Some people have reported that they received a $15 off Coupon for Physicians Formula Tinted Moisturizer at the CVS Coupon Kiosk. Have you gotten that coupon? If you have here is a possible scenario to score FREE Physicians Formula Tinted Moisturizer!
Here’s The Scenario:
Buy one Physicians Formula Tinted Moisturizer – $14.99
Use one $15 off Physicians Formula Coupon from the CVS Coupon Kiosk
Total due = FREE after coupon!
Thanks, Coupon Pro!
I was told that the coupons from the machine is for P.F skincare product, not specifically for the tinted moisturizer… and that they don’t consider the tinted moisturizer to be “skincare”, I guess it would be considered makeup since it’s tinted.. I don’t know.. but I guess it would be up to the cashier whether they would accept it or not since alot of CVS’s don’t carry the P.F. skincare line yet, so they could decide to let you substitute and use it.
Just thought I would report in that I went to my CVS this morning, and received the $15/any Physicians Formula product. I purchased the new pH Matchmaker face powder/bronzer and the cashier happily took the coupon for it. It was $15.49, and something I normally wouldn’t have purchased so I thought I’d give it a try for .49 cents! I’m thinking I could have gotten two less expensive products that totaled $15+ but I had my 2 year old daughter with me who was trying to grab products of her own to use! Great little surprise pick up to add to my shopping trip this morning though!