I posted about this coupon a little over a week ago! This is a HOT $1.00/1 Revlon Beauty Tool coupon. It has the Walmart logo on it but doesn’t state use at Walmart nor does it have the Walmart logo on it. It is a manufacturer’s coupon that should be accepted everywhere coupons are accepted. 🙂 To print, go HERE and click the “Personal Care” category. Then, see the scenario below to score $0.49 tweezers at Walgreens starting August 1st!
Revlon Tweezers regularly priced at $2.49 each
Minus one $1.00/1 Revlon Beauty Tool coupon
Minus one $1.00/1 Revlon Tweezers or Brow Set Walgreens store coupon found in the August coupon booklet (this booklet will not come out until August 1st)
Total Due: $0.49!
Thanks Wild for Wags
Thanks….tweezers and nail clippers run away and hide at my house!