Make sure your printers are on and go print this high value I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter coupon! Go HERE to print a $1.50/1 I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Sticks coupon. I suspect this coupon will go fast! And, if you shop at Publix, see the scenario below to score FREE ICBINB at Publix:
**I checked Publix Curbside and they show that I CAn’t Believe It’s Not Butter Margarine sticks ARE included in the BOGO Sale! And Curbside has them priced at $2.95 for two! Leave a comment if you find this sale at your local Publix!
Buy 2 I CAn’t Believe It’s Not Butter Margarine 16 oz, $2.95 for two
Minus two $1.50/1 I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Sticks coupon
Total Due: FREE
Hi Liza~
Wanted to post that in fact the price you posted was correct and that the sticks are indeed on sale B1G1. Saw this as I was walking out the door to go shopping. Thanks for sharing as always. These will come in handy next week!