Print this HOT coupon asap! Go HERE to print a $4.00/4 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 12 oz, Raisin Bran 20 oz, FiberPlus 11.5 oz+, Crispix 12 oz, Rice Krispies 12 oz and/or Crunchy Nut 1o.8 oz+ cereal coupon! This will go FAST! (Found under zip 20202) Then, if you shop at Target (or a store that accepts Target coupons) go HERE to print a $1.00/3 Kellogg’s Raisin Bran Cinnamon Almond, Crunchy Nut & Honey Loops, Crunchy Nut Flakes, Crunchy Nut Caramel Nut and/or Frosted Flakes Target Store coupon 🙂
**If you shop at Publix, starting this upcoming Thursday 3/15 or Wednesday 3/14, Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Cereal will be on sale 2 for $5! See the scenario below to score a great deal!
Option one:
Buy 4 Crunchy Nut Cereal, on sale 2/$5.00
Minus one $4/4 Kellogg’s Cereal Coupon
Minus one $1/3 Kellogg’s Cereal Target Store coupon (if your store accepts Target coupons)
Total Due: $5.00 or $1.25 each
Option one:
Buy 4 Crunchy Nut Cereal, on sale 2/$5.00
Minus one $4/4 Kellogg’s Cereal Coupon
Total Due: $6.00 or $1.50 each
Thanks Cheryl for posting this on Addicted to SAving! 🙂
How do you find out what’s going to be on sale?
Go to on tuesday”s and th nex week ad should be posted. Hope this help.
go to either or check back here on and the sneak peek at the upcoming publix ad is released between 8-9 monday mornings!
i actually look forward to mondays because of this! LOL
Is this coupon under a different zip code by chance?
I think the $4/4 coupon is gone!