Publix shoppers – there are some coupons you will want to print out for the upcoming sale starting next Thurs/Wed! 🙂 Below are the direct links to the coupons you will want to print! Remember to print them twice!
Purex Detergent Coupons
$1/1 Purex® Liquid Laundry Detergent 100 oz. or less, or Purex® UltraPacks® 36 ct. or less (zip 10001)
$1/1  Purex® Liquid Laundry Detergent 100 oz. or less, or Purex® UltraPacks® 36 ct. or less (zip 30187)
$1/1 Purex® Liquid Laundry Detergent 100 oz. size or less, or Purex® UltraPacks® 36 ct. (zip 22222)
**will make 100 ounce bottles ~$2.50 each
Breyer’s Gelato Indulgences Coupons
$1/1 Breyer’s Gelato Indulgences
**will make Gelato around $1.75 each (I can’t wait to try this!)
Pop-Secret Popcorn Coupons
$1/1 Pop-Secret® Popcorn (zip 30187)
$1/1 Pop-Secret Popcorn (zip 77477)
$1/1 Pop-Secret® Popcorn (zip 22222)
$1/1 Pop-Secret® Popcorn (zip 90210)
$1/1 Pop-Secret® Popcorn (zip 03013)
$1/1 Pop-Secret® Popcorn (zip 85212)
**will make 6-10 packs around $1.65 eachÂ
Honey Bunches of Oats Coupons
$1/1 Honey Bunches of Oats Morning Energy
**will make cereal ~$0.65 per box
Go HERE to see all Publix Deals on Addicted to Saving
Thanks I Heart Publix
Regarding the Breyer’s Gelato Indulgences on their Facebook there is 1.50 coupon