Allrighty everyone! Turn your printers on and print these coupons asap. Right now you can print three HIGH VALUE Lay’s Potato Chips coupons. These coupons are on WinCo Foods’ Facebook page BUT these coupons are manufacturer coupons and they do not have any store limitations on them. I had a difficult time getting these coupons to print. (It only worked in Chrome for my laptop. Hubby’s laptop it worked in FF) To print, go HERE to “like” Winco Foods. Then, click the individual coupon links that you are interested in. You should be able to print each coupon twice. Please note these coupons state, “Limit one coupon per customer.”
**These coupons are legit. 🙂
Christy says
I could not get the coupon to print even after using Chrome and installing the couponactivator.exe. It was there just wouldn’t print out
Sierra says
Wow! Awesome coupons! Thank you so much!
Christy says
Never mind.. Used my daughters Dell and it printed, don’t understand why it won’t print on mine, but oh well.
dena says
it;s only a blank page and i would realy love to have these coupons .
Kristi says
I can not even find the coupons. Please let me know where to find them. Thank you
trish says
Coupon wouldn’t print 🙁
Diana says
Out of prints. :/ I missed them again. I’m never going to get my freebies from Publix this week. :/ Thanks for sharing though. I wasn’t able to log in to print until now because my in-laws came over.
Shannon says
I was able to print two of the three. You have to log in and “like” on FB in order to print. Hope this helps.
Jen says
Blank page 🙁
Michelle says
Didn’t print for me either. I use FF 🙁
Mary Ross says
I’ve let the site sit for hours and it is still only a blank page. Thanks