I have a HOT Riccola Mixed Berry Cough Drops coupon for you! Right now you can print a high value $0.60/ 1 Ricola Mixed Berry Supplement Drop coupon. To print, go HERE and type in zip 12345. (Click the “health care” category to find quickly)
Then, if you shop at Walgreens, below is a great deal you can score this week at Walgreens. (sale goes through this Saturday, 10/8)
Ricola Cough Drops, on sale $1.29 when you use in-ad coupon
Buy 1 Riccola Mixed Berry Cough Drops
Minus one $0.60/1 Ricola Coupon manufacturer coupon (Zip 12345)
Minus one $0.50/1 Walgreens Store Coupon from October Coupon Book
Total Due: $0.19
Thanks Wild for Wags
I have checked like 3 different times for these couph drops but the coupon does not exist. ;(
Hi Mary! The coupon is gone now 🙁
my walgreens had ricola cough drops for 2.49, not for 1.29…but they had the .50 store coupon. hopefully a better sale will come up for around here (tallahassee)
I was suprised to go into my Walgreens, and they were also 2.49. They are 1.67 at Target thou. 🙂