WOW! So before I type too much, I need to give a disclaimer. This $5/$40 Publix coupon is found in the Mobile, Alabama Publix Weekly Ad. However, the coupon does not have any locations listed. It has a regular LU#. So my thought is that we should be able to use this at any Publix location! I have not tested this coupon so can not promise it will work. Please leave a comment if you use it! Go HERE to print your coupon. Place your mouse over the $5/$40 Publix coupon and you will be given a prompt to print the coupon. This coupon is valid 12/10 – 12/16/14.
Go HERE to see all Publix Deals (including the Publix Weekly Ad & Coupon Matchups)
On the front of the ad. at the bottom under the effective dates, it says, ”
Prices effective Wednesday, December 10 through Tuesday, December 16, 2014.
Only in Baldwin and Mobile Counties. Quantity limits per customer apply.
I called corporate and they said the LU# will probably not work at stores outside that county. I also asked since it says reproduction of this coupon constitutes fraud, can I print the coupon from the ad since the site gives me the option to print it. He said the store would get their flyer and see it is not there.
Worth a try still.
said it was not valid when i tried to print.
when i go back, it’s gone.
its not there 🙁 we used to get those coupons every so often, but haven’t got any for years