Be on the lookout for this great Publix coupon and rebate sheet! There are five great Publix store coupons on the sheet (all coupons expire 8/26/12) and there is also a rebate on the sheet. **All coupons state “Limit one deal per coupon per customer. ” Below is a list of the coupons along with rebate info:
- $3.00 off Publix Whole Deli sub wyb 4 Marie Callender’s or Healthy Choice Frozen Meals
- $1.00/3 Snack Pack Pudding 4 pks
- $1.00/4 Chef Boardee Canned or Microwaveable Pasta
- $1.00/1 Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet Popping Corn (2,3, or 4 pk)
- $1.00/1 Peter Pan Peanut Butter (any size)
Rebate: Get $10 on a Publix Reloadable Student Gift Card wyb $25.00 in participating products. Participating products include: Manwich, Van Camp’s, Hebrew National, Gluden’ Mustard, Marie Callender’s Pot Pies and Frozen Meals, Chef Boyardee Canned Pasta and Microwaveable Bowls, Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet Popping Corn 2 3 and 4pk, Healthy Choice Lunch Express, Frozen Meals and Soup, Peter Pan Peanut Butter, Slim Jim, David Seeds, Banquet Chicken, Pot Pies and frozen meals, Crunch ‘n Munch, Hunt’s Ketchup, Snack Pack Pudding 4pk and Libby’s Products.
Fine print: Send your original Publix cash register receipt dated between 7/21/12 – 9/3/12 with purchase prices of each ConAgra Foods item circled. Offer limited to one request per household or address and valid only for the person who purchased the product.
So I have a wild question to ask. I was told that if you use EBT to pay for your groceries that you could not qualify to get the $10 gift card because you didn’t pay with cash. Is this truee? Any answers would be helpful.
It doesn’t make a difference. If they did, it would be discrimination based on social economic status. So, if you’re using EBT you can still qualify for the MIR. 🙂
I thought so too but I wasn’t sure. Me and my husband work and things are still tough on us financially with 2 kids so this deal works out great for us considering we already buy these foods listed. The gift cards could buy other things that we are already strapped for cash for despite the fact that we get government assistance. Thank you for your input =)
how can i get this flyer?
I have two questions….does the $25 have to be in one shopping trip? I read both sides of the coupon sheet; and could not find it anywhere. Second question, if you buy items that are BOGO, do you get credit for both items toward the $25, or only one??
thanks so much 🙂