You might want to check your Smart Source inserts from yesterday’s newspapers to see if you received these HOT Publix store coupons. I received this sheet of Publix coupons in the SS insert I received in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal that was delivered to my house. Sadly, the papers I bought yesterday did not include this coupon sheet. So, you may or may not be lucky enough to have them. If you do, below is a list of the coupons in the insert as well as the manufacturer coupon matchups. (Publix coupons all expire 1/8/11)
$1.00/1 Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa 8-10ct wyb one Reddi-wip 14 oz Publix Store Coupon
-$0.50/2 Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa 11/14/2010 SS Insert (exp 12/31/2010)
–$0.50/1 Reddi-Wip
-$0.35/1 Reddi-wip 11/14/2010 SS Insert (exp 12/31/2010)
$1.00/1 Peter Pan Peanut Butter Publix Store Coupon
-$0.50/1 Peter Pan 11/14/2010 SS insert (exp 12/31/2010)
Free Reddi-wip 7 oz wyb two Marie Callender’s Pies Publix Store Coupon
–$1/1 Marie Callender’s Dessert Pie
–$1/1 Marie Callender’s Dessert Pie
They were in the Tampa Tribune that I purchased in Largo yesterday!
They were also in the Tampa Trib that I purchased yesterday as well. I got 10 papers and all had this sheet in it.
I wish my Wall Street Journal had coupons!