Below are the highlights of this week’s Publix ad starting this Thursday or Wednesday (depending on where you live). I tried to post all of the deals below that are priced at $1.00 or less. I am also posting a couple of higher priced deals that are note worthy. (I am only showing the best coupon matchups. If you do not have the coupons below, go to the entire sales/ad matchup to see every single coupon available for each sales item) To see this week’s entire Publix sales ad/coupon matchups, go HERE. Remember that coupons are often regional so you may not find every coupon shown in the matchups below in your inserts.
**Also – make sure you click the link at the bottom of this post that says “Display All Matchups” so that you don’t miss out on any of the deals below
I just got 6 Dove deodorants for $1.50 money maker.
Buy 6 BOGO deodorants, use 6, 75 cent manufacturer coupons and 2, $3/3 dove deodorant Publix coupons in the new green advantage flyer. Of course, I’m sure tax figures in there somewhere too.
The other good deal I got was Suave Men’s Professional shampoo, 10 cents a bottle plus tax.
Buy 6 bottles of Shampoo @ $2.19 a bottle. Use 3 BOGO Suave Professional Shampoo or conditioner coupons from 10/2 RP, use 2 more of the above mentioned $3/3 Publix coupons and it ends up being 57 cents for 6 bottles (plus tax).
I am soo glad you posted about this! You beat me to it lol i was actually telling my aunt how to do it from the phone cuz she went to buy the deodorants and let me tell you even after tax the deodorants are a 90cent money maker<<after tax is how i count money makers 🙂 but if you buy them together with the dove deodrants and the mens shampoos then you technically get it all for free!!!! Awesome!
Oh and i wanted to mention that my publix in jacksonville, fl has the sorrento mozzarella cheese (16 oz) on sale for 2 for $7 this is an unadvertised price! So for those of us who live in florida we can use our $1 off store coupon for sorrento that was in our inserts about 2 weeks ago along with the manufacture coupon from and score a pound of cheese for $1.50!!!!!!
I guess I should mention that the $3/3 coupon is for multiple products. 🙂
Thanks for sharing ladies! 🙂