Comments on: Publix Deals & Steals 12/19/13 – 12/24/13 or 12/18/13 – 12/24/13 Addicted to saving money! Sun, 22 Dec 2013 21:24:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melissa Sun, 22 Dec 2013 21:24:48 +0000 i cannot get the target coupons to print. I have had no problem till now. it just all of a sudden started doin this. I select the coupons i want, then click print coupons. then it says “please select a coupon.” So frustrating. any ideas??

By: Jene Fri, 20 Dec 2013 19:19:48 +0000 Megan – you buy 6. 3 shredded 3 chunk. They are 3.99 for 2 and before coupons it totals to $11.97. Now use 1 b2g1 coupon and your total is now $7.98. Use another b2g1 and your new total is 3.99. Lastly, use a $1/2 coupon and your new total is $2.99. Divide that by your 6 cheese items and you have $.50 a piece! 🙂 hope this helps 🙂

By: Megan Fri, 20 Dec 2013 02:11:45 +0000 Can you please help me to understand how the Kraft Shredded and Chunk cheese sale works? I’m newer to couponing than most, so I’m not understanding how you calculate out $.50 for each bag of cheese.
