Comments on: Publix Deals & Steals 1/5/12 – 1/11/12 or 1/4/12 – 1/10/12 Addicted to saving money! Thu, 12 Jan 2012 01:00:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susie Thu, 12 Jan 2012 01:00:15 +0000 In reply to morgan.

Sorry, guess I should’ve replied directly to your post, Morgan, so you’d get he message.

By: Susie Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:58:55 +0000 I printed out the Earth Fare coupons, but they’re confusing: they say that they’re “manufacturer’s coupons” but also say that they’re “Redeemable Only at Earth Fare Stores”. So I’m guessing that the “manufacturer’s coupon” wins, not Earth Fare, and that Publix would consider it manu, not a competitor’s coupon. Especially since I have no Earth Fare stores around me! Are they strictly Internet, or bricks & mortar stores?

By: morgan Wed, 04 Jan 2012 22:30:33 +0000 fyi folks– if you go to earth fare’s website (www dot earthfare dot com) there are coupons for muir glen tomato products AND snyder’s pretzels. Combined with the man q, makes for free moneymaker on the tomato sauce/paste and pretty cheap pretzels. 🙂 Just saw it myself and wanted to share!
