I have been receiving more and more emails, Facebook comments and blog comments about Publix’s Digital coupons program. Many of you have said that your local Publix has informed you that your store is participating in the program soon (or for some of you – now). I’ve done some research and, all Publix locations will participate in Publix Digital Coupons program starting within the next month. Per Publix’s Digital Coupons participating location page, by March 15th, all stores will be participating. Below is a list of the states and dates:
What is Publix Digital Coupons? In a nutshell, it is a program that allows you to select digital coupons online and then redeem them when you checkout by punching in a 10-digit pin on the keypad; this 10-digit pin is your phone number.
These electronic coupons are the same as regular paper coupons. You do not need to print them, and the values of your “clipped” coupons are automatically deducted when you physically purchase the item corresponding with the coupon. You do not have to use the digital coupons if you choose not to; Publix will still accept the exact same coupon in paper form. However, you will not be allowed to use both the same paper and digital coupon on one item. If you give a paper coupon that matches one in your digital account, they will deduct the paper coupon and the digital one will remain in your account for future use.
How will it work if/when it’s rolled out in your area?
According to the FAQ section on Publix’ Digital Coupon page, you must create a Publix Digital Coupons account. To create an account, you must register HERE by entering the following information:
- 10-digit Phone Number (must be unique, will be used as your 10-digit Publix Digital Coupons account number)
- Email Address (will be used as your Publix Digital Coupons web/mobile login name)
- Zip Code
- Password
- Additionally, you will need to accept the program terms of service.
From there you will be able to log in and “clip” digital coupons, both on your home computer or on your web-enabled smart phone. With 60 coupons available to print and no limit to the amount of coupons you “clip,” this is a great way to eliminate some of the paperwork required with putting together a shopping trip. There are some manufacturer coupons to clip, but most are Publix store coupons – even better!
**NOTE** Coupons you “clip” digitally will be available for use immediately. This is nice for those times when you “lose” or forget a coupon at home – just log on with your smart phone and “clip” the coupon; the savings will be deducted at checkout!
So what do you all think? Is this something that you would like to see come to your local Publix? I’d love to hear from the Ocala and Alabama folks who have been utilizing this service since the fall!
If you’d like to review this program in more detail, go HERE and scroll down to the bottom and click on the FAQ icon, or call 866-486-4292 (Mon-Fri, 8a-9p), or email [email protected] for assistance. There is also an article from Ocala.com reviewing the new program that you can read about HERE.
Greet idea. Dreaming about all the ink and paper I’ll be saving.
I would love to be able to clip and carry all my coupons electronically… Would definitely save space in my purse/wallet. How would this work for BOGO items where you need to have two coupons? Would you be able to have two of the same coupons clipped in your electronic account or could you use one electronic and one paper, if available?
Could you use that electronic coupon on more than one like if I wanted to by four of the same item or will it only deduct for one
In the FAQs it states:
How many times can a coupon be used?
The number of times a coupon can be used is up to the manufacturer, but most coupons can be used only once.
I would like to try it. You could always go back to paper if you chose.
I can’t wait to see this in South Carolina! At my old home in Colorado, King Sooper had a program for adding “coupons” to your card. This may be just as easy–even easier.
Love the idea. Hopefully all stores will go to this and we won’t have to keep up with piles of paper.
I really like the idea, no use of the ink, and paper, but I’m also wondering if you can sign up for more than one per item? Otherwise I’d probably still print 2!
I suppose I need to read the terms of service 😉 but I wonder the same thing…sharif we plan on using two of the same coupons….hmmmm…. 🙂
I don’t know…I’m pretty old school about things. If I don’t see it in my hand, I might forget about it!
My store said you can’t buy 4 and use 4 electronic coupon on the same item. So this is not going to work for me.
Pat Y – your store is correct. But the way I read the FAQs, I’m seeing that if you buy 4 boxes of cereal, you should be able to use one $1/1 digital coupon as well as three $1/1 printable or insert coupons. So we will still want to print coupons and buy Sunday papers since we won’t be able to rely entirely on the digital coupons to cover our purchases when we buy more than one item.
Completely useless and I pray they do not stop printing and accepting paper coupons. It would ruin everything for me as I always buy several deals of the same item. If they deducted the coupon the amount of times you bought something that would be an awesome time saver. But I have a bad feeling they are trying to phase out couponers like us.
The “paperwork” is why we get so many deals in the first place. Only idiots would champion this new program.
How do you know which is Publix coupon or a manufacturer coupon? That way we’ll know if we can stack with a manuf. or Target.
I am guessing that you can e-clip one coupon from what everyone typed above. I intend on continuing to clip my coupons for the BOGO deals. Since it will know if you already used a paper coupon this will be good for the “forgotten” coupon at the end or a last minute grab some milk or bread scenario. I will hand over my paper coupons, let the cashier deduct them, then type in for the e-coupon to see if there are any that I didn’t have. I do not believe that this is the answer for couponers. I think this will be beneficial for a casual couponer who cannot remember to bring their clipped coupons and only uses 3 or 4 in a shopping trip. It will be great for them.
I’m curious as to how this might affect the Publix policy of accepting competitor’s coupons. Does that mean they would start accepting digital competitor’s coupons?
I spoke to a cashier at a local Publix last night who said that their store would no longer accept paper coupons on items where there was a digital, also that any item purchased that had a coupon available would then have that digital coupon applied whether clipped or not. I’m seriously hoping she has some things confused or hasn’t yet received the training on them because while the last thing would be awesome, the first would be horrible.
Hi All – My Positive outlook on the program. I will still be printing the majority of my coupons the way I always do… I look at this program as a bonus. I went and clipped all the coupons. It looks like you enter your digital right before paying so your paper coupons are taken first, then digital. This way I lose nothing and if something is taken its a bonus. Especially for those last minute had to have items…. for those of us that clip and go not carry a binder.
Wondering if digital coupons 50 cents and under will double at stores that currently double paper coupons. Anyone know?