I did a second Publix run yesterday (had an amazing trip spent $29.95 and saved $120.46 – and I stocked up on meat!!) I found quite a few sale items worth mentioning. Note that these items correspond with the current Publix sale that ends today for Floridians..
Snyder’s Pretzels are still on sale 2/$4.00. If you shop at a Publix that accepts Target coupons, then you should score these bags of pretzels for FREE.
Buy One Snyder’s Pretzels, 2/$4.00 Use one $1.00/1 Snyder’s of Hanover Prezels 8 oz+ Target Store Coupon $1/1 Snyder’s of Hanover pretzels, any 8oz or larger 7/25/2010 SS Insert (exp 10/31/2010) Total Due: FREE

Publix has 9 ct Bagel Bites priced at $1.97 each. This scenario only really works if you shop at a Publix that accepts Target coupons.. If you have still have the $1.00/1 manufacturer coupon I posted about earlier this month, and you have the $1.00/1 Target coupon, you will score the box for FREE!
Buy 1 Bagel Bites 9 count, priced at $1.97
Minus one $1.00/1 Bagel Bites Target Store Coupon Minus one $1.00/1 Bagel Bites manufaturer coupons, or $1.00/1 Bagel Bites – Parents Magazine September 2010 Total Due: FREE

I was able to score 6 boxes of Cinnabon cereal for $3.00 AND I can submit my receipt to receive a $5.00 Publix Gift Card (go HERE for more info) which means I was paid $2.00 to buy 6 boxes of cereal 🙂 Below is the scenario for my transaction – note that I did shop at a Publix which accepts Target coupons. If yours doesn’t accept Target coupons, I have included a second scenario below so you can see what you would pay.
Buy 6 Kellogg’s Cinnabon Cereal, on sale $1.99 each Minus 6 $1.00/1 Kellogg’s Cinnabon Cereal from Parade Magazine 8/15/10 Minus 3 $1.00/2 Kellogg’s Cereals Target Store Coupon Total Due: $2.94, making them $0.49 each. I will submit for the $5.00 Publix Gift Card Deal (go HERE to print your rebate form) which means I was paid $2.06 for all of the cereal :))Scenario if your store does not accept Target coupons:
Buy 5 Kellogg’s Cinnabon Cereal, on sale $1.99 each Minus 5 $1.00/1 Kellogg’s Cinnabon Cereal from Parade Magazine 8/15/10 Total Due: $4.95 making them $0.99 each. Submit for the $5 Publix Gift Card Deal making the boxes FREE
Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta is on sale B1G1 $1.17 for two. (If the pasta isn’t marked as B1G1 on your shelves, I would take two boxes to customer service and have them do a price check for you) If you printed out the $0.75/1 Smart Taste coupons I gave you the link to HERE (it is no longer available), then you will score both boxes for FREE plus you will receive $0.33 overage (if your store allows). If you didn’t print these coupons, go HERE to print out a $1.00/2 coupon and you will score each box for $0.09.