There was a new Publix Health & Beauty Advantage Flyer (formerly the “Green” Advantage Flyer) in Sunday’s paper and in stores now. You’ll want to focus on the Publix store coupons in this ad, and look to stack it with a manufacturer coupon.
With all the new coupons that are out this morning, there are plenty of stacking opportunities! Make sure you see my post HERE for a list of 66 new coupons that are out.
This Publix Health & Beauty Advantage Flyer runs thru 4/11/14.
Click HERE to view all of the Publix Health & Beauty Advantage Flyer Coupons & Matchups. (This link takes you to the Jacksonville Publix regional pricing but the Advantage Flyer Tab on the far right is the same no matter where you live, so click on the tab that says HBA, as indicated below.)