I did an awesome job yesterday on my spending and saving during this Publix trip. I focused entirely on the sales and the coupons that I had in my stash since I needed nothing. Although, looking at my photo, we did need the Bic lighters – we use those for candles and starting the grill so I was super excited they were on sale Buy One Get One Free. It was a great trip despite the day I had had so far with a horrible experience at the dentist office. I ended up saving 99.45% 🙂 Also – after you read this post, make sure you read my post HERE about the awesome deal Publix has on All Detergent and Carvel Ice Cream cakes!
The items I purchased today coincide with this week’s Publix Weekly ad. To see this week’s ad & coupon matchups, go HERE.
If you are new to saving money at Publix, read my Intro to Publix post!
Here’s the rundown and how to do what I did for today’s Publix stop:
6 El Monterey Tornados on sale 2/$4.00 Minus three B1G1 El Monterey Tornados printables Minus three $1.00/1 El Monterey Tornados, any 8.4 oz box – 05-09-10 SS Total Due: $3.00 or $0.50 each 2 Crystal Farms All Whites on sale 2/$4.00 Minus one Buy One Crystal Farms All Whites 16oz or Better’n Eggs Plus 14oz and Get One Free Yellow Advantage Flyer (this took off $2.50) Minus one $1.00/1 Crystal Farms All Whites or Better’n Eggs any size Publix Store Coupon Smart Savings Booklet Minus one $1.00/2 AllWhites or Better’n Eggs products, any (2) – 06-06-10 RP Total Due: FREE plus $0.50 overage 2 Yoplait Fiber One on sale B1G1 $2.50 for two Minus two $1.00/1 Yoplait Fiber One Yogurt printable (coupon is no longer available) Total Due: $0.50 or $0.25 each 2 Sara Lee Cheesecake Bites on sale 50%, $1.99 each Minus two $1.00/1 Sara Lee Desserts printable Total Due: $1.99 or $0.99 each 2 Reynolds Wrap Non Stick on sale B1G1 $3.45 for two Minus two $1.25/1 Reynolds Wrap NonStick printables Total Due: $0.95 or $0.47 each 2 Schick Hydro Shave Cream on sale 2/$4.00 Minus two $1.00/1 Schick Hydro Shave Gel, any – 06-13-10 SS Minus two $1.00/1 Schick Hydro products Publix Store Coupon Green ADvantage Flyer (exp 7/2) Total Due: FREE 2 Bic Lighter on sale B1G1 $3.49 for two Minus two $1.00/1 any BIC multi-purpose lighter or multi-position lighter – 05-23-10 SS, 06-06-10 SS Total Due: $1.49 or $0.74 each 2 Kraft Sandwich Shop Mayo on sale B1G1 $1.99 for two (I just realized these priced as B1G1!! This sale was not advertised at my Publix so I didn’t realize they were on sale! Now I understand why I spent less than I thought I would!) Minus two $1.00/1 Kraft Sandwich Shop Mayo 12 oz Publix Store coupon from Yellow Advantage Flyer Minus two $1.00/1 Kraft Sandwich Shop Mayo, any 12 oz bottle – 06-13-10 SS Total Due: FREE plus $2.00 overage! 2 Sundown Vitamins priced at $3.59 each Minus two $1.00/1 Sundown Vitamins printable Minus one $6.00/2 Sundown Vitamins Publix Store Coupon Green Adv Flyer (exp 7/2) Total Due: FREE plus $0.82 overageMinus one $5.00 off when you spend $30.00 Win Dixie Coupon from Recycle Bank
Total Spent: $0.36 (including tax) Total Saved: $65.41, Percentage Saved: 99.5%
Totaling bowing down to ya! That was awesome!! Im going there tonight and will as always be paying $40-$65 OOP. I’ll save big but nothing close to the awesome deal you got!!! WOW
Can you double publix coupons like that on the egg whites? 2 different publix coupons plus a manufacture coupon?
Hi Andrea! Publix will not let you double up on their coupons. But, the coupons I used don’t double up on the egg whites. The B1G1 Publix coupon covers one carton of egg whites and the $1/1 coupon covers one carton. The trick to B1G1 coupons is to always remember that they cover the item that you get for free. You can still use a $1/1 coupon on the item that you are paying for. This can be a tricky concept so let me know if you need me to explain further! 🙂
Hey Liza,
Any chance you know where the coupon policy is for Publix? I really think my trips would be easier if I had their own policy in my hand when I go shopping. Especially for when I “make” money to rollover to the rest of my order.
I actually called the corportate Publix. They said that every store has a little bit different policy. They had the manager of the store I shop at call me. He told me who their competitors are what they will accept. He also told me if I ever had ANY problems to ask for him! I would call and ask.
The policy seems to change at the exact same store as well. One day they allow overages, another day they don’t, then another they are refusing a manufacturer coupon instead of adjusting the price. I never know what “policy” they are using that day. LOL
I just want at least something in writing! It is hard to shop when an item’s “price” keeps changing! LOL
Thanks Christina!
I may need further explanation, I’m simply in awe trying to take it all in! The best we did so far since starting with the coupon match ups is paying 12 dollars for 34 dollars worth of stuff. Publix is very confusing for me, but if deals like that can be done, I really want to figure it out. (BTW I live in FL, I know you mentioned FL is different than other states with Publix)
I just found those coupons in the book I had here.. I am going to try and use them tonight!! Thanks for the heads up!
I scored B1G1 Curly’s BBQ yesterday in Largo and was able to use B1G1 coupons that expired 6/30/10, the day before the sale started just by asking ahead at customer service! WooHoo!!!
I did not see the shaving cream on sale,which store do you shop at. I shop at the one in Trinity
The shaving cream was on sale 6/12- 7/2.
It was on sale for $2 & then a $1 off each coupon in the Publix green advantage flyer & then a $1 manufacturer coupon from the newspaper inserts. FREE!
I always notice something in the photo show & tell & wonder if it’s still on sale too! LOL