Another week has come and gone. Time flies so quickly! Today’s Publix shopping trip I had one goal in mind and that was to stock up on candy. I like to have 6-8 bags of candy for our trick-or-treaters so after tonight I am just 2 bags away from my goal! You will notice that I did not purchase any produce or fresh meats. I just joined a veggie co-op and starting next week, I will begin picking up my weekly share of produce. The co-op is not cheap at all but since I’m really trying to add more fresh veggies into my diet and since I love to experiment with new foods, I think it will be worth the extra expense. So, unless I am in dire need of produce or unless there is an awesome sale, I will be living off of the produce I get each week. And, most of you know this already, but if you are new to Addicted to Saving, you will very seldom see me purchase fresh meats because I have a freezer full of frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts as well as lean ground beef courtesy of Zaycon Foods. If you are new to Zaycon Foods, read my post HERE to learn how to get rock-bottom prices on high quality meats.
This week I did pretty good. I saved 77% and was able to get organic frozen veggies (I LOVE Cascadian Farms veggies), Cabot cheddar cheese, free Toll House cookies and much more. How did you do this week? I would love to hear!
- To see this week’s Publix Weekly Ad & Coupon Matchups, go HERE
- To see this week’s Publix Deals & Steals, go HERE
Below is what I bought and the coupons I used. We did use one $5/$30 Winn Dixie Enjoy the City coupons and one $5/$50 Publix coupon from last week’s paper to get the total down to where it is.
1 Stouffer’s Family Style Lasagna on sale $3.99
Minus one $1.50/1 Stouffer’s Family Size Entree (use zip 77477)
Total Due: $2.49
4 Cascadian Farm Frozen Vegetables, reg price $2.49
Minus two $2/2 Cascadian Farm Frozen Fruit or Vegetables, exp. 11/1/12 (Publix, Best Meals Happen at Home October Email)
Minus two $0.75 off any Cascadian Farm product
Minus two $0.85/1 Cascadian Farm Product printable
Total Due: $2.76 or $0.69 each **this is an awesome price for frozen organic veggies!
4 Nestle Ultimate Toll House Cookie Dough, BOGO $2.95 for two
Minus four $1.50/1 Nestle Toll House Ultimates Cookie Dough printable
Total Due: FREE + $0.10 overage
4 Tombstone Pizza, BOGO $4.57 for two
Minus four $0.75/1 Tombstone Pizza Facebook coupons
Minus one $0.75/1 Tombstone Pizza Target printable
Total Due: $5.39 or $1.35 each
8 Campbell’s Great for Cooking Soup, on sale 10 for $10
Minus two $1/4 Campbell’s Condensed Great For Cooking Soups printable
Minus two $2/4 Campbell’s Great for Cooking Condensed Soup, exp. 11/1/12 (Publix, Best Meals Happen at Home October Email)
Total Due: $2.00 or $0.25 each
2 Muir Glen Tomato Sauce, reg price $0.89 each
Minus two $0.50 off any flavor/variety Muir Glen product
Total Due: $0.78 or $0.39 each
2 Cabot Cheddar Cheese on sale 2/$5.00
Minus two $1.00/1 Cabot Cheese (sign up for e-newsletter, you will receive an email with this coupon)
Total Due: $3.00 or $1.50 each
2 GE Reveal 60 watt Lightbulbs, BOGO $5.49 for two
Minus two $1/1 GE Energy Smart, Reveal CFL, Energy Efficient Reveal or Energy Efficient Soft White Lighting Product, exp. 12/16/12 (SS 09/16/12 R)
Minus one $2.00 off select Select GE lightbulb items Target Store Coupon
Total Due: $1.49 or $0.75 each
4 Ragu Plain Sauce, 45 oz, BOGO $2.89 for two
Minus two $1.50/2 Ragu Pasta Sauce Product, exp. 11/1/12 (Publix, Best Meals Happen at Home October Email)
Total Due: $2.78 or $0.70 each
Kraft Caramels, BOGO $2.69 for two
Total Due: $2.69 or $1.35 each
2 Hershey’s Chocolates, BOGO $9.99 for two
Minus two $1/1 Hershey’s Assorted Snack Size Bags, exp. 10/31/12 (SS 10/14/12)
Minus one $2/2 Hershey’s Chocolate Candy Item Target printable
Total Due: $5.99 or $2.99 each
Wonka Fun Size Candy, BOGO $8.99 for two
Minus one $2.50/2 Nestle Assorted Candy printable (print limit reached) **Target coupon does not work for this matchup since it would have to be 48+ oz to be included
Total Due: $6.50 or $3.25 each
Nestle Ultimate Scream Candy, BOGO $8.99 for two
Minus one $2.50/2 Nestle Assorted Candy printable (print limit reached) **Target coupon does not work for this matchup since it would have to be 48+ oz to be included
Total Due: $6.50 or $3.25 each
Minus one $5.00/$30.00 Winn Dixie Enjoy the City coupon
Minus one $5/$50 Publix coupon from the 10/14/12 Tampa Times
Total Spent: $33.95 Total Saved: $117.06 Percentage Saved: 77.5%
Also –Attention Bloggers – at the bottom of this post is a place for you to show your own brag worthy purchases! I ask that you make sure this is a direct link to your deals post – I will remove links that go directly to your home page. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave a comment on this post letting us know how you did shopping this week.
Do you think the coupon for the free bag of candy when you buy 4 Tombstone Pizzas could be used along with the Target and Manufacturer coupon? I will be shopping tomorrow and thought about trying that but not sure if that is allowed. Thanks!
how do you sign up for the publix email counpons?
For Seh, yes you can use the coupon for the free bag of chocolate when you buy 4 Tombstone pizzas, but for a fun sized bag as it states on the coupon. In my Publix it was 3.59 @ reg price and think the max on the coupon was either 2.99 or 2.69 off. Still made for a great deal for a fun size bag. Too bad we already cracked into it. That bag of chocolate never had a chance in this house!! That’s why I decided on buying the Skittles for the Treat or Treaters…we really don’t eat those. Hope this helps!
there was a bag of the wonka candy that was 48oz at my publix it was the Wonka Mix ups 3lb bag, so if someone wants to use that target coupon they could get that bag
Nice find Stacy! I didn’t see that at my Publix!
I found one also it was a 48oz bag of wonka laffy taffy
Is the coupon for $1.50 off Ultimates cookies no longer available?
I just printed the coupon!
I found it shortly after I posted! D’oh.. I went to a different page, and didn’t see the little box for the coupon 🙂