**Update** Looks like Tropicana is 2/$5.00 in most regions – I have updated the scenarios** Okay – so hopefully you read the post I made earlier today on how to print two B1G1 Tropicana Orange Juice Coupons. If not, go HERE. This coupon is only available until midnight tonight. Assuming you shop at Publix and assuming you printed out two coupons, I am giving you a few scenarios. (Thanks Colleen for asking for a scenario – you gave me the idea!) To see this week’s Publix sale and coupon matchups, go HERE!
Tropicana Pure Orange Juice 64 oz on sale 2/$5.00 3/24 – 4/3 or 3/25-4/3
Option 1: Buy two cartons OJ Use one B1G1 coupon Spend $2.50, makes it $1.25 eachOption 2:
Buy four cartons OJ Use two B1G1 coupons Use one $1.00/2 coupon from 2/21/10 RP Spend: $4.00, makes it $1.00 eachOption 3:
Buy four cartons OJ (make sure you buy at least two Trop 50) Use two B1G1 coupons Use two $1.00/1 Trop 50 coupons from 3/14/10 RP Spend: $3.00, makes it $0.75 each!**If your store is lucky enough to have this deal** Tropicana Pure Orange Juice 64 oz on sale 2/$4.00 3/24 – 3/30 or 3/25-3/31
Option 1: Buy two cartons OJ Use one B1G1 coupon Spend $2.00, makes it $1.00 eachOption 2:
Buy four cartons OJ Use two B1G1 coupons Use one $1.00/2 coupon from 2/21/10 RP Spend: $3.00, makes it $0.75 eachOption 3:
Buy four cartons OJ (make sure you buy at least two Trop 50) Use two B1G1 coupons Use two $1.00/1 Trop 50 coupons from 3/14/10 RP Spend: $2.00, makes it $0.50 each!
I’m all over Option #3!!! 🙂
**Thank you for spelling it all out for me!!**
thanks for the links. i got my coupons:) !!! love option 2 and 3. but i dont think my store will take 2 manufacturer coupons on the same item. and if they did accept 2, couldnt i use the $1/2 on deal number one or am i looking at something the wrong way here???
Hmmmm…my Publix has them on sale 2/$5 this week…is it common for the sale prices to differ from region to region like that?
My ad has it 2 for $5 as well
Still a great price at 2/$5 – got mine today!