Comments on: Publix Weekly Ad & Coupon Matchups 11/21/13 – 11/28/13 or 11/20/13 – 11/27/13 Addicted to saving money! Thu, 21 Nov 2013 20:44:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy Thu, 21 Nov 2013 20:44:03 +0000 Breakstone sour cream is $2.59 at my Publix which is generally cheaper (Manatee County) then what Liza generally has listed. Maybe she meant $2.89?

By: sandra lloyd Thu, 21 Nov 2013 01:02:49 +0000 Also there is a 5.00 off 2 Tresemme coupon in Redplum 11/17/13 and a 3.00 off 2 Tresemme products in Purple Health and Beauty flyer my store had these for 3.99 so use both makes them free plus .02 overage!!!! The purple flyer expires friday 11/22/13 though so you would have to act fast if you want these deals. Also found a Buy 1 get Free Manf for Suave shampoo/Conditioner in redpulm 11/17 matches up with 1.00 off 2 Suave Publix coupon in Purple flyer also expires 11/22 but i found some 1.48 each used both coupons got 2 bottles for .48! Also there is a 1.00 off 4 Kraft cream cheese in green flyer and there was also some 1.00 off 2 manf blinkies at my store so 2/3 on sale makes them 4 for 3.00. Another thing i saw was .40 off peelie stickers on Sargentos cheese and there are 2 coupons for the Edwards and Smiths pies in the trimmings books .55 off 1 Publix coupon and i also found a 1.00 off 1 printable on Military website wounded warrier project printable coupons site.

By: Dana Tue, 19 Nov 2013 04:46:28 +0000 The are Publix store coupons for the International Delight in the All the Trimmings booklet 🙂 Two of ’em: .65/1 and also a $1/2.

By: carmen Tue, 19 Nov 2013 03:32:58 +0000 if you are buying the butterball turkey anyways, $5 in butterball coupons by mail wyb one butterball frozen or fresh turkey or one butterball ready to roast item
