Publix has some good sales this week. I’m especially excited about many of the produce deals! You may find the prices below vary slightly with your store’s pricing. I will be adding more household & beauty products deals as the day goes by. Please leave a comment if you see any missing coupons, unadvertised deals or typos!
******Six Main Notes to Publix Shoppers:
1) From time to time the print limit will be reached on printable coupons. You will know the print limit has been reached if you go to print a coupon and you receive an error message, a message stating you have already printed the coupon, or you just don’t see the coupon.
2) When Publix has a Buy One Get One Sale, in order for Floridians to receive the second item free, we have to buy both items. Many other states only have to buy one item and they will get that one item for half (50%) off. Most matchups below are based on “True BOGOs.”
3) For Floridians, if we use coupons 50 cents or less, our coupons are not doubled. Many other states will double coupons as long as they are 50 cents or less.
4) Publix accepts competitor coupons and allows for one competitor and one manufacturer coupon on one item. Ask your Publix who they consider as competitors.
5) If you live in Florida, our sales cycle starts on Thursdays
6) To see Publix’s color full ad, go Here. The ad will not update until the new ad is live!
**Also – make sure you click the link at the bottom of this post that says “Display All Matchups
I haven’t sen any great deals on dog food lately….does anyone know if there’ll be any soon? I’ve been so spoiled by the benefits of couponing and it would kill me to have to pay full retail price!! LOL!!!
Me too! My stockpile of nearly-free dog food is running low. Hope another great deal comes along soon. 🙂
Hey Liza! I see that you have Target’s up and up coupons for some items. Have you been successful using those for Publix’s generic items? If they’ll accept them, that would be FANTASTIC!!!!
I used some for “Market Pantry” last week successfully. It’s the first time I’ve tried it, though.
I have used them. I would recommend bringing a print out of the Q&A from the Publix website ( because I did have one cashier ask the manager who was not sure so I showed her this and she said “Well that is our policy then” and took it. 🙂 THAT is why I <3 Publix!!
Is it me or its a slow week AGAIN? i feel like the sales have not been that good lately :/ but thanks for all your hard work Liza 😀
I was at the store last night and my cashier told me that weighted produce (we were discussing fruit specifically but I’m pretty sure she said produce) was ALL going to be on sale BOGO in 2 weeks. I didn’t know if you had heard about this already but I was super excited and she seemed POSITIVE about it!
There is a 1.00/1 Target coupon for the Chobani Champions yogurt on the Target website and I got a back to school mailer with one in it also. I actually used both coupons this week and I think the yogurt was 68 cents!
i cant find the SS coupon for mt olive pickles in any of my 6/24 SS. Does anyone know where exactly I can find it??
Liza, it looks like you left off the pet care products…
its not in the add, but my publix also had marie’s salad dressing BOGO
Yeah, me too. I purchased 50 bags of Beneful back at the end of April and had an overage of over $50 before tax! I used Target and MQ’s to save $2.61 for every 2 bags. I have one dog and he still has over 40 bags left!
wow. i need to pay attention when this dog food goes on sale again! thats a great deal! i have 2 60lb sure you can understand how much i spend on food for them hehe! but i love them!
I mean an overage of $2.61 for every two bags!
SOME ONE HELP ME PLZ!! lets say i buy 6 boxes of ziploc bagies…..
(6)ziploc bagies on sale $2/4
-(3)$1/2 Manf Q
-(3)$1/2 Publix Q
***can i then use (2) of the $2/deli meat publix coupons since it says that i only need to buy the bagies, not that i get $$ off the bagies. is this double dipping?***
I would use them
If anyone gets 15 months+ of dog food free, they should think about donating some to a shelter.
the doritos coupon is NOT a match…wrong size.
i didnt have a problem using the doritos coupon
I was wondering where to find the Elmer’s Glue coupon. The link took me to the Publix website. Just wondering if any one knows! 🙂 Thanks a million!
Like Jess, I cannot find the SS 6/24/12 coupons for Mt Olive pickles. HELP!!!