Below are the coupons and matchups for the new Publix Yellow Advantage Flyer. I would recommend you focus most of your attention on the Publix store coupons in this flyer Some of the sales are good, but a sale is never good until you can match it with a coupon! Also – don’t forget that Publix allows us to stack a store coupon with a manufacturer coupon. If you look below, you will see coupons in Green. The Green coupons are all Publix store coupons or competitor store coupons. The black coupons are manufacturer coupons.
**Also – make sure you click the link at the bottom of this post that says “Read the Rest of This Entry” so that you don’t miss out on any of the deals below!
The B1G1 Taster’s choice coupon is only good on packets, which is not 7 – 10 oz so the Yellow Advantage coupon can’t be stacked with it!
ooh thank you Kim! 🙂
The Caribou coffee on sale is the K Cups only. The Publix coupon from the Smart Saving booklet is for the 12 oz. bags and the $1 IP Mfg. coupon is for the 12 oz. bags as well. I don’t believe these coupons match up. I thought the 12 oz. bags were on sale when I went to Publix today, but they rang up at $8.99 and I had CS check to be sure.
Ohh thank you Kathy! The regular coffee was on sale during the last Yellow Advantage Flyer sale (ended this past Friday).. I totally missed the size difference. Thank you!
Our Publix still had the sale bin tags up from last week on the 12 oz bags so with the Publix correct price policy we got one bag free and one for the sale price of $5.99 less 2 $1/1 Publix coupons and 2 $1/1 Mfgs for a net price of $1.99 for 2 bags 🙂
Oh wait! the Publix coupons were for $2/1 so we got 2 bags of coffee for FREE!!!!
Bagel Bites are $2.49 a box. $4.98 – (3) $1 coupons $1.98 for 3 boxes.
The yellow flyer has $1.50 off 1 12 pack of Cherry Dr Peppoer ( diet or regular). They are buy 2 get 1 free so you get three for the price of 1.
I don’t see the Abreva listed here. It says $3, and I thought there was a coupon somewhere, but can’t find it? Have you seen it?
My Publix refused to stack a manufacture coupon with the Advantage Flyer. I called corporate to complain and they said they changed the policy and the cashier has to go by the verbage in the Publix coupon. The verbage states “Limit one deal per coupon per customer” which corporate said means that the cashier can only take ONE coupon and you can no longer stack them. Pretty crappy huh? Hopefully the cashiers aren’t all reading all the verbage like my cashier did.