**I am reposting this to remind all of you of this great deal!** Coupon Clutch contacted me and offered to give you all a 10% discount on all purchases you make from now through June 30th! Go HERE to see the awesome options to choose from. When you have selected your purchase, use the coupon code “ADDICTED” to receive 10% off! You can purchase just a clutch OR you can purchase a clutch and the Deluxe Insert Pages and organizer system. I’m liking the clutch/Deluxe system combo because besides your clutch you will receive:
Reminder – 10% off Coupon Clutches!
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Liza –
I purchased this before the discount and am quite pleased. Couponing is new and overwhelming for me. This clutch has helped!
Today I actually order additional inserts as I make it my own.