Comments on: Reminder – 2 Inserts in Sunday’s Papers Addicted to saving money! Sun, 06 Feb 2011 21:27:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liza Sun, 06 Feb 2011 21:27:07 +0000 In reply to robertanewber.

Hi Roberta! That is so frustrating! If this kind of behavior continues with Walgreens’ manager & staff I would suggest you shop elsewhere. Every week I go through the newspapers before I purchase them at my local 7eleven and they are amazing. They don’t mind at all that I make sure the inserts are included in the papers. Good luck and don’t let this get you down!

By: robertanewber Sun, 06 Feb 2011 04:12:44 +0000 I saw where you advised to be sure you check your papers before purchasing.Let me say i had a very upsetting ordeal doing this very thing.
It was a few weeks back and i was buying 10 papers,some were for my daughter and inlaws.Anyway i always go to Walgreens as they have ample supply late in the day and are only 1.39.They are usually right at check out ,but this time they were at the front door ,maybe 8 steps away. My husband had been earlier in am and bought one paper .I had dbls on 2 insert’s and the 3 main ones were not in the paper.I always check before i buy and tell clerk that there are papers lacking inserts.The clerk this day called the mgr to come up front and i could see he was watching me.He even came up picked up papers and put them back . As i was almost finished ,An elderly lady and I began a conversation on cpns for the troops etc. .This mgr came up broke into our conversation and began to tell me a customer thought i was removing cpns.When i explained that i do this every Sunday and always have had an ok to do so.He informed me that this was not allowed.I have to buy the papers as they are in their stack.
I was so shakened that i was accused .Being that this was a week we had a 5th by surprise ,iwas removing cpns from their position in that paper and putting them towards the front of that paper so i would know which one i had already gone through and which ones to return to return to pile But by no means have i nor will i remove and add to my purchases,
It angers me when i buy and get home and see no inserts ,or being in a store and see where someone had removed them and stuck the paper on the store shelves.
I can say my husband had alot to say when he entered the store for prescriptions and spoke to the usual mgr on duty.
It’s not going to stop me frm checking as i feel we have that right to assess before we buy and get home and find nothing in our papers.I always make sure i am seen and they are told if i don’t find any inserts so they can tell their carrier.
I hope no one goes through this.
