I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss my Weekly Photo Show and Tell that I yesterday. 🙂 To see my Photo Show and Tell including the coupon matchups, go HERE.
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Wow, I don’t think I could ever get out of the store spending less than $30! We have a family of 5 & I am starting to get the hang of couponing. Last week, I spent $99 and saved $74. Not too bad! 🙂 My friend & I challenge each other to see who saves more. She’s topped me at $79. Thanks, Liza for this site, it’s great!
Great job Liza! I too had a good trip this week. Spent $12.96 including tax and saved $91.10! This included getting
2 J & J baby powder
1 deli lemonade (since I was thirsty)
1 Bayer aspirin
6 2 liters of Coke
4 Crystal Light on the Go
1 bag of Red Onions
1 yellow Onion
1 lime
1 yogurt
4 Eckrich Keilbasa
32 Powerade (which I made sure they were overstocked on so everyone else could also get some)
I was a happy camper!
Thanks Liza for all your help….I’m getting better all the time 🙂
Sarah that is still great savings and you will get better, and once you figure out the sale cycles and when you get the best deals you will be suprised. I once got 2 buggies full of groceries for $30, that was pure luck of coupons and sales. I normally save more than I spend and this week it wasn’t the case, but I got lots of free stuff at cvs 🙂
Does someone know whether the buy10Get5 tear pad Q for Powerade was from before or we can find it now. I only found hang gags for the gatorade.. Any help would be appreciated , thanks!
Don’t forget the 2 liters Coke are only 79 cents at CVS this week, better deal than Publix.