I’m so excited to see that the $0.50/1 Chex Mix® OR Chex® 100 Calorie Snack 4.5 OZ. OR LARGER coupon has reset for me! To print your coupon, go HERE. After you print your coupons (you can print this coupon twice per computer), hold onto it until you find a BOGO sale (at Publix) OR head to Save-a-Lot and score bags of Chex Mix for $0.50! See the scenario below for Save-a-Lot:
Buy one Chex Mix Snack Mix 8 – 8.75 oz, 10/$10 (sale ends 8/28/12)
Minus one $0.50/1 Chex Mix® OR Chex® 100 Calorie Snack 4.5 OZ. OR LARGER coupon
Total Due: $0.50
**And, to save even more $$, go HERE to Save-a-Lot’s Facebook page and print out a $5.00 off $25.00 Save-a-Lot coupon!
Under what zip code? I’m not able to locate it.