This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Best You Available at Publix. The opinions and text are mine.
One year ago, New Year’s had just ended and 2017 was ahead of me. I wasn’t excited. I was terrified. I was sick. Something was off in my body and I felt horrible. I had felt horrible for months and months and finally, I went to the doctor. After extensive bloodwork, we found out that my body was deficient in iron, Vitamin D and Vitamin B. These nutrients sound small and insignificant but when your body is deficient in them, they play major roles in your well-being! Once learning this, I started reevaluated all of the foods I put into my mouth and really focused on taking better care of myself. One of the simplest adjustments I made was to eat more fruits and vegetables. I started doing this by simply adding a salad to each lunch and dinner. Publix has loads of salads to choose from but my favorite is organicgirl Salad..
Publix is helping you “Be Your Best You” by giving us $49 of savings on groceries like Bertolli® Organic Extra Virgin, Applegate® Sliced Deli products, Execedrin®, Tsamma® Watermelon Juice and more. My favorite savings is $1.00 off Any One (1) organicgirl Salad 5–10 oz. Head HERE to see all of the available coupons.
My family likes to joke that when I buy organicgirl Salad, it almost seems like the container is never-ending. It’s awesome how they are able to pack so much lettuce in one container!
I use lettuce like you would assume – as salad. But I also think outside of the box with it. I try not to eat a lot of sugar and so instead of having rice or potato with dinner, I’ll top lettuce with whatever dinner is – I’ve topped salad with roast pork, meatballs, fish, stew, the list goes on and on.
One of my favorite recipes to use salad mix with is salsa chicken. I throw chicken into the slow cooker along with salsa and after 8 hours, the chicken is so tender and tasty. I’ll top organicgirl Salad with the chicken, some refried beans, cheese and green onions to make a hearty meal!
Head HERE to see all of the available Be Your Best You Publix coupons!