Check out this deal you can do on a Hydro Silk Razor at Target right now. These can be had for as low was FREE with the right coupons and new Ibotta offer. Here’s how you do it:
Buy one Schick Hydro Silk Razor, $5.99
Minus one $2.00/1 Schick Hydro Silk Razor or Refill, exp. 9/8/13 (SS 07/28/13)
Minus one $4.00/1 Schick Hydro Silk Razor or Refill Target Coupon
Minus one 25% Off – Hydro Silk Razors, Target Cartwheel Offer (exp 8/31)**if included
Spend Nothing, Submit for $0.50/1 any Schick Hydro Ibotta offer
Total Due: FREE + $0.50 overage!
Thanks Frugal Living and Having fun!
I’ve posted a few Ibotta deals today as they’ve been giving us new offers to take advantage of! Make sure you read my How Ibotta Works post HERE to see why it’s so valuable in helping us saving money.