I haven’t tried using Scotch-Brite Botanical Disinfecting Wipes yet so a deal like this is fun because I can try a new product for super cheap! Walmart has Scotch-Brite Botanical Disinfecting Wipes priced at $1.62. And, there are$0.50/1 Scotch-Brite Botanical Disinfecting Wipes printable coupons to print out as well as a B3G1 rebate you can use! If you follow the scenario below, you will score 3 packages for $0.58 each!
Buy 3 Scotch Brite Botanical Wipes for $1.62 each
1) Print out $0.50/1 Scotch Brite Botanical Disinfecting Wipes coupon HERE (click “household” category to find quickly. I found this under zip 34655)
2) Use the $0.50/1 coupon from you 7/31/11 SS Insert Or Print out a second $0.50/1 coupon HERE and/or HERE
Total Due: $3.36
Next, Submit for Buy 3 Get one of the 3 free MIR Rebate HERE (this will reimburse you $1.62) **MIR valid from 8/31 – 9/15
After MIR, your total spending is $1.74 making them $0.58 each!
Thanks Thrifty Couple
Would love to hear when someone does try these. Saw them in Walmart the other and did the sniff test on the 2 scents and they both smelled really bad. Just curious if the oder sticks around.
My Walmart didn’t have them in yet.
I love using them because they don’t tell you to rinse before placing food on countertop like Lyson and Clorox do. I prefer the breeze smell but I would reccommend smelling before you buy as the smell is much stronger than lysol or clorox.