My goal for you is that you will become empowered as you begin to save more and more money each month. Saving 75% or more on your grocery bill by using coupons is absolutely possible. Not only is it an empowering feeling, but by being good stewards of our money, it gives us the opportunity to bless others with the extra resources we have. I will teach you the skills necessary to save big in this introductory Addicted to Saving 101 class. Come and find out how!
Class Itinerary Includes:
- Introduction to couponing
- Introduction to coupon organization
- Changing how to view shopping
- Introduction to Publix
- How to save 75%+ each week at Publix
- How to save on “Healthy” Foods
- Introduction to stockpiling
- Using your savings as a ministry
- Introduction to CVS & Walgreens
**If you live elsewhere and would like to contact me regarding scheduling Addicted to Saving 101 classes, please email me at addictedtosaving @ (All one word)
When would you be doing a class in Lakeland FL?
Hi Jeff and Liza – I sent you a couple of emails recently and didn’t hear back. I was looking for alternate times and days other than the evening. Our church is filled with faith formation classes every evening of the week. Would you be able to do a Saturday a.m-mid day. or weekday mid day? Thank you.
Will you be doing any seminars in Tampa before the end of the year?
Will you have any classes in Dunedin, Florida?????
Hi Isel! I’m always looking to schedule new classes. If you know of a location interested in hosting a class, please let me know! That said, since I just held a huge class in both Indian Rocks and in Clearwater, I probably will wait a few months before holding a new one in Pinellas cty.
Isel Falcon, Im also in Dunedin, FL. Do you know of any groups or semenars around our area? – Liz
When will you be doing a class in the Atlanta, ga area?
hi liza, i was told you will be at st. thomas aquinas church in new port richey on 11-17, but, i don’t see the info here on your seminar page. If you are going to be there, do we need to register beforehand? I went last year when you were there, but, i need a refresher.
We are looking forward to seeing you at St, Thomas Aquinas ECC on November 17th! We are anxious to learn more about couponing and great ways to save money each month,
it would be nice if you could please answer my question
Hi Liza
Do you know when you will have your next class and if so where will it be?
Ok you had me at 75%!!!!! When and Where?!!!!
Ok! I am so in! When and where????
Any seminars in the Brandon FL location?
Hi- I was wondering when your next seminar will be? The one I see on your site is from April…do you have any coming up? Thanks! And good luck with your adoptions! Have a great day!
MIorning Liza. Do you have any plans on doing a class in Saint pete anytime soon?
Hi Suzanne! I’m currently working on scheduling new classes for the upcoming year. Once I have classes scheduled, I will post them here 🙂
Hi will you be having any classes in in pinellas county soon? I live in pinellas park
I noticed you have political pop-ups on your home page. I find this inappropriate and offensive. There are more pressing issues!
Unfortunately I do not have control of the ads that are presented on my site. These ads are generated completely separate from Addicted to Saving and are many times targeted for specific zips, one of which you apparently live in. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
When would you have a seminar in or near Tampa, Fl?
I second the Brandon/Tampa area!
Hi, when will you be having another seminar???? would love to attend one … I live in st pete
Me too!!!
Please let me know when you are going to be in New Port Richey area. I just found your site and looking forward to seeing my savings go up, I’m on unemployment and going to school.
When’s your next seminar? Definitely would love to attend one near the Orlando Florida.
Any new seminars starting?
Hi I’m in new port richey, Florida would love to know when you are doing a class in pasco, tia.