Comments on: Send Me Your Expired March Coupons for Couponing for the Troops Addicted to saving money! Sat, 06 Apr 2013 16:07:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Addicted to Saving Sat, 06 Apr 2013 16:07:50 +0000 In reply to Tracy.

Thank you so much Tracy for taking the time to send them to me! It’s a small thing but it’s SOMEthing we can do for our troops. 🙂

By: Tracy Sat, 06 Apr 2013 16:04:54 +0000 Thank you for organizing this for the troops. I just sent you an envelope full today. It’s nice to know that the coupons can still be used.

By: Jennifer Tue, 05 Mar 2013 20:02:38 +0000 Hey Patti, I had a question. I am really interrested in helping with this project. It is very dear to my heart. I would not, in any way, want to take away from your idea to do this but I was wondering if I could present the idea to my church family and have them give coupons. We have ALOT of couponers at my church!!!! I also did not know if you had started a Facebook page but that is a VERY good way to get the news out about what you are doing!! I would love to help in any way that I can so please let me know!!!

By: Addicted to Saving Wed, 30 Jan 2013 23:03:21 +0000 In reply to sissy.

Hi Sissy! Thanks for contributing! Vitamins and medicine are considered non-food. I know that doesn’t totally make sense since you do consume them.. I didn’t set the sorting criteria 🙂

By: sissy Wed, 30 Jan 2013 20:18:43 +0000 Vitamins and Medicine are consumed by human, so are they food or non-food?? Sorry, I wasn’t clear from your post.
thanks for doing this, what a blessing to those military familes.

By: Addicted to Saving Mon, 05 Nov 2012 14:48:30 +0000 In reply to Patti.

Hi Patti! I can send active coupons too 🙂 So yes – feel free to send them. They will be used!

By: Patti Mon, 05 Nov 2012 14:34:56 +0000 I have coupon sections still from which I cut the coupons I’m going to use, but still have the rest of the current coupons in the section. Can you use those if I cut them out? Guess you could send them when they are expired?
