I have to confess. I have $16.00 in Register Rewards that are expired after today. And, I have to tell the truth. I am BURNT OUT. I am plain tired. I didn’t even get my run in today I am so tired. So, when it came time to put together my coupons for my Walgreens trip that I planned to do today, I just kind of spaced out. So, instead of putting together wonderful deals to put my $16RRs towards, I just gave my husband the $16 Register Rewards and told him to have fun. How bad is that?!?
But, that’s the great thing about saving money. Every now and then, we can take a break. And, if we refuse to give ourselves days off then we will do the same thing that strict dieters do, BINGE. So, instead of binging, I’m sending my husband to Walgreens and hoping that he will at least pay attention to some sale signs and maybe bring me back a Register Reward or two. We’ll see… And, until then, my shopping confession is that I don’t even feel guilty about this!
I hear you about being burnt out… I have a new baby and while being frugal is great for our family, sometimes spending time with them needs to come before coupon cutting (even if it means not getting the BEST deals at the grocery store).
I think it is time for you to just give yourself a break — we are just happy about how much you are help us! Let us know how the husband does.
Since RRs are manuf. coupons, you can use them at Publix (even if your Publix doesn’t consider Wags a competitor). Good way to save even more there.
I love it! In reality, when we coupon we don’t really NEED anything. I mean once you get a decent stockpile you can take a break every now and then.
I love your blog, and was really excited to see your in Tampa, I am in Florida.
Take break. I was sick last week and did not shop for 4 days. I was a relief to know that I had a stock pile of everything so there was no real need to shop. There is comfort in that.
Yes, take a break. Without guilt. And let us know how Jeff does. 🙂
Ok. So, here’s the update on my husband’s Walgreens venture. I will say that I armed him with three coupons. And, in the midst of my fatigue, I gave him one incorrect coupon so he was actually only armed with two. The part of his Walgreens trip that was planned was where he was going to get two Gillette deoderants, two free Gillette bodywashes (with my coupons), one bag of cotton balls…. He found all necessary items perfectly. Now for the unplanned trip… Jeff decided he wanted to roll the register rewards that he was starting with ($16). Easier said then done when you have NO coupons. So, he bought 2 Bounce Dryer Sheets and 1 Febreze. When all was said and done he spent $3.37 out of pocket after using the $16RRs. He made $2RRs on the deal. He came home very pleased and said, “We needed dryer sheets right?” Apparently he forgot the time he and I made a Walmart trip together and got five boxes of dryer sheets free. Nonetheless, I’m proud of him and I now have $2RRs to use at a future date 😉